《 Chapter 5: Dealing with Demons 》

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As she looks up at those dreadful crimson eyes, Damari freezes. When Alastor moves closer to her and his smile never falters, she lets out a little eep. Alastor stares back at her, acknowledging how unusual it is for him to see a human and how fascinated he is by her. Her light skin makes her appear to be easily pricked, and her smell is really enticing, making his lips thirst briefly. He might easily mutilate her alive simply by observing how weak she is and how strong her terror is. However, he simultaneously suppressed his instinctual inclination.

Because he is willing to assist with the hotel, he first doesn't want to appear unprofessional in front of Charlie and Vaggie. Secondly, he is curious about this human female. He got a good look at her and couldn't help but admire her and her attractiveness. He wanted to hurt her so much worse than just mauling her, maybe even turn her into his puppet so he could rule and claim her. He also wants to keep her alive so that he can amuse himself by becoming acquainted with her. Vaggie was worried when Alastor immediately overcame his instinct and grinned at Damari.

"What's a lovely creature like you doing here in Hell? From what I remember, you are supposed to be dead." Alastor asked.

"I... I don't know. It j-j-just ha-happened..." Damari stuttered, feeling intimidated by his presence.

"No need to be shy around me. I won't bite... much. What's your name, sweetheart?" Alastor asked, enjoying her fear.

Damari didn't want to at first, but she doesn't want to make him mad.

"I-I'm Damari... s-sir."

Alastor takes her hand, making her flinch.

"And what a beautiful name for you."

Then, he kisses it. As he pulls away, Damari couldn't help but tremble at the sensation of his lips on hers.

"And no need to be formal with me. Just treat like I'm your new friend."

Angel couldn't help but be envious of Alastor's conversational style and ability to make physical contact with her by merely resting his lips on her hand. He is capable of doing it. Vaggie runs over to Damari to defend her while once more aiming her spear at Alastor.

"That's where you keep your far distance away from her. She has nothing to do with you. She's here to help with the hotel as well, so treat her with respect and boundaries." Vaggie said firmly, glaring at him.

"Hoohoo! Don't worry. I'm sure we'll get along just fine between you and me, Damari." Alastor grinned before turning to look around the hotel.

Damari exhales in relief, feeling as though she briefly lost consciousness that Alastor approached her closely. Vaggie turns to her and puts a hand on her shoulder as she watches her anxiously.

"You alright? He didn't hurt you, did he?"

"N-No. I'm fine. Thanks, Vaggie. He just... he's really intimidating. And his aura... it's just so wrong." Damari said, gently holding Vaggie's hand.

"I know. If he's bothering you, you can talk to me and Charlie."

Damari accepted her word for it and nodded. She glances across to Charlie with a worried expression and, much to the princess' relief, gives the thumbs up that she is fine. Alastor returns their attention and pulls out his mic staff.

"Well, this just won't do! I suppose I can cash in a few favors to liven things up."

At the snap of his finger, a new fireplace has replaced the hotel's worn down one as he approaches it and picks up the mysterious figure covered in soot, which then opens its eye and stares at the four behind him. The figure poofs off the soot from their body to reveal a small one-eyed demon, akin to a cyclops that remind Damari of that cat KeeKee.

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