Chapter - 1

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A thin legged boy was running in his school dress with a heavy backpack.
He was slow despite his long legs.
The school bell will ring in a minute.
He can't be late today. Today is his test.

He huffed after making it in his classroom barely on time. The teacher was about to give a question paper.
"Roze you are late"
"Sorry sir"
"Quickly sit"

Roze pov:

Hi, i am roze

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Hi, i am roze . Yes it’s a girl name but my late grandma gave this name to me. She wanted a granddaughter with this name. But she didn't get the chance. When I was born, she was severely ill,  so in her honor - to fulfill her wish in death bed  my mother sacrificed me And It's my tale..

The exam started. I was sweating answering the questions.  The question was easy but not for my stupid brain. It was hard for me.  I could see everyone answer the sheet with ease. Actually I am little dumb. I get passed barely. Most of the times i fail in my papers. Even my I.Q. level is low. The consultant also  gave up.

The bell rang. I only answered 60 %.
Some of them were wrong.
I sighed. I will fail, again.
My phone beeped.
A massage came.
And i know who is it.
Only five people have my number.
Trance , my elder brother
Jina , my elder sister
And Red.

Red is my childhood friend. Actually more than that. He is kinda possessive about me. He doesn’t like it if i communicate with other people.
Everyday he picks me from home. But today he was getting late so i came alone. He must be angry.
Every time he makes a fuss about me going outside without him. Most of the time he is with me or I would have to take a guard appointed by him.
I don’t get it why I would need a guard. My family is not influential or wealthy.

My phone again vibrated with a call.
With shaky hands, i received the call.
At first I only heard a sharp intake of air. He is not just angry. He is pissed off. I could tell only by his breathing.

"Where the hell are you?"
"At school "
"I told you to wait for me"
"I..  Amm.. Sooosorry..Red"
He was silent now. Immediately i realised my mistake.
"Sorry.... Honey"
It was the nickname we fixed, more like Red fixed. He said we were bestfriends.  So we should have a nickname for eachother. But he calls me by different other names. But if i didn’t call him honey,  he would be so angry that i had to do everything to make him normal. Because when he gets angry, he will do bad things - really  really bad things.

He chuckled.
"Baby Safer is waiting outside for you. Get in the car and come to me"
"Buuuutt..t.... I hhhave cooking class"
I tried to reason. It’s not that I enjoyed cooking. He was the one who got me in. I wanted to join the badminton  team. But he denied. He said I would have to wear shorts openly that he can't allow. And if he says no, it’s a no. Even my parents don't have a say in it. Not like they care. Sometimes I don’t just get it. Is it natural for bestfriends to be this close? He fixes every thing for me . Even my wardrobe. But in his case I don’t even have a say. When he proposed his 7th girlfriend, i said i don't like Mishel. He slapped me - in front of all the people present there.
And ordered me never to intervene in his deal again. I got upset, actually i was ashamed to be treated like that -  and didn’t talk to him for a whole 30 hours. It was a stupid idea. I had suffer a lot because of my stubbornness.  Just because I put his massage on seen, his guards literally kidnapped me in the middle of night and escorted me to his estate. He locked me there for 30 hours - naked, smelling me again and again. He says he can't breathe without my body scent.
Irrelevant, isn't it?
  It’s always been like this. Sometimes I feel suffocated. Recently he is being overbearing. He is always calling me or video chatting - enquiring where i am - even inside class I have to answer his calls. Or else there will be punishment. And today I broke his rule. I don't know what will be his reaction  but definitely not good.

The car stopped in front of the big entrance. They are filthy rich. They won the Korea..
His butler came running to open the gate. From his trembling body, I could tell Red is beyond pissed....

The whole mansion is silent. All the servants are bowing. I am nothing in this house but they always behave like I am the owner. We approached in front of the large marbel door. I could hear some cracking sound from inside. I wanted to run from there. But I could not. I tried before but I always ended up in his room..

Before I could knock the door opened.
It was Maze. Red's personal attended.
He immediately bowed 90°. But I could see his bloodied forehead.
I stepped inside and the door got closed behind me. Here I am alone inside the room with The Redbull.

I looked around for Red but the gigantic black marbel decorated room is silent as fuck. Only the breeze from the glass windows hitting the glass chandelier hanging at centre of the ceiling is making the light sound.

I whispered

"Honey you didn’t wear the shirt i picked for today"

I stilled, another mistake. Red picks my dress - what i will wear is according to his choice. He puts level on my dress according to the choosen day. My elder sister can't tolerate him. She always warns me about me. Like how inappropriate his behaviour is.
Sometimes she gets angry on me - why i tolerate him, i should have other friends, why just i obey him silently etc.

 Sometimes she gets angry on me - why i tolerate him, i should have other friends, why just i obey him silently etc

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I turned to see him sitting on the window base staring at me looking the most handsome guy ever. I have a crush on him. He is really good looking.  But he is straight - sometimes his actions say otherwise. 
But he always defends it’s common between friends to be possesive.

"You didn’t answer me honey"
"S...oooorry. Maybe i misplaced the tag"

No, i didn’t. It was a gift from my sister - she insisted  me to wear this today. I refused at first. But she said I always wear whatever Red gives me.
At this point of time, my closet is full of the clothes he bought. He even appointed a designer for me. I refused but a stare from him made me shut my lips.

He stood up and came to me with his long legs in his predator steps. He always stares at me with those eyes. I get chills everytime.
He is really close - i could smell his sweat mixed honey scent of his skin.
That's why I came up with this name.
He rubbed his nose in my chin.
He took deep intake of my sweats.
He sighed big - like the feeling of containment. But i was shivering chills.
"Honey what did i say about lying to me."
I am trapped. He could always see through my lies.
"I.. I.."
"Shhh.. Honey one more lie from your mouth won't be good. I am this close to burst out. I don’t want to punish you. So the next word should be only truth"
"It’s a gift from Jina. She would be upset if I didn’t wear it"
Red bit my chin "iiissh" my eyes got teary.
"Then what about me honey. Don't you feel bad about  my feelings"
He was now scarring me - again.
"I always wear what you decide"
He looked dead at me. Then he smiled.

It shook my core. I think I made another mistake. He then pulled me over his lap. We are now on his bed.
He was silent now - smelling me in my neck.
"My honey made me so upset today. What to do now"
"I.. Amm. Sorry. Please don't be sad"
He then looked at me with a big smile in his face.
"Then it would be okay to make my honey a little upset right?"
I was shaking my head,  trembling with fear "no"
He just smirked.

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