chapter : 6

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After six years :

Everything is chirpy.
White - Flowers - Cake - Buffet - Music.
The perfect wedding.

I don’t know if they will spend this much money in my wedding.
I think I have to start saving money : they won't even attend as far as I know.

I have done Engineering - at the nearby college. I have moved out of the mansion. I lived in the hostel - doing part time jobs to attend myself.
After finishing I got a small job in a well to do company. I am doing good. Sometimes it’s hard - because of the shortage of money, but atleast it’s peaceful.

After their engagement, Red suddenly stopped contacting me - not that I wanted.  That night uncle Damian bursted into my room, dragging him from me : thanks to him I am still virgin. But that incidence made my life more intolerable. Jina and mother would constantly accuse me - for being a slut or what not.

Still I had hope, that Red would atleast meet me once. But no - I didn’t even see him in school. I heard he was transferred to Russia. I even went to his home many times - even aunt won't say anything : but atleast she didn’t avoid me. She tried to help me but I refused. With my grades - and Edolf's help, I could only get into this college. My subject wasn’t that good, for this I couldn’t get a job with good salary.

A hand touched my shoulder to get my attention, I flinched at the sudden contact. Actually this few years torture made me afraid of human touch now. I have faced a big consequence for that night. I shivered thinking about that horrible night.

"Roze, are you ok?"
It was aunt jieun.
I smiled " yes aunty "
She sat beside me at the empty chair.
"Why are you sitting here?"
"The guard escorted me here - said it was designated for me"
Aunt frowned - actually it was a seat at the last row from where I can't even see properly. There were about five hundreds of guests present.
"You come front. You will sit with me"
I denied " no aunty, it’s fine here "
"No I am not listening to you. Come"
She stood and tightened her grip but I still refused - removing my hand from her hand " aunty, you go - every one must be looking for you"
She sighed and kissed my forehead.
"Fine but as soon as the wedding takes place I will take you with me"
I just nodded.

The announcer was reciting, the bride and groom looked perfect. My family looked really happy. My father had a proud smile in his lips. They looked gorgeous in their thousand dollars dresses. And here I am wearing an old suit that Red bought for me years ago. Because my tiny stature, it still fits or I would have to borrow.

After the wedding ceremony, everyone was requested to have food. But I didn’t have the plan.
I had a small gift for the couple.
They were now alone. So this is the good opportunity. 

I tapped his back,
"Roze, you came. I thought you would not" he hugged me tight.
I smiled " of course I would come, it’s my brother's wedding "
I looked at my sister in law Raya,
"Congratulations, wish you all the happiness in the world"
She hugged me, with a thank you she accepted the gift.
"Where were you? I didn’t see you"
"At the back"
"But your seat was in front?"
"The guard accompanied me there"
T wanted to argue but soon he realised, "sorry roze i didn’t know they would do something like this"
"It’s ok. At least you invited me"
"Sorry buddy. I tried to convince them to let you be my bestman but...."
"T, it’s totally fine. I could attend, this is more than enough"
He again hugged me.
"Now I would take my leave"
"At least have some food. You are getting thinner everytime I see you"
I declined again and went outside.

But aunt jieun grabbed me - before I could cross the gate.
She took me to their mansion.
I refused so many times, but nothing worked.
She placed a big plate of food in front of me and started feeding me.
"Aunt, i can't. Please no more"
"You have to. You look so thin"
After the food she told me to stroll in the garden, she would pack food for me.

At the garden, I saw uncle Jim reading a book. From when does he live here?
"Uncle Jim, how are you?"
He looked up..
Smiling big, " roze my baby come "
I smiled and sat beside him.
He started showering me with kisses and I giggled.
"I haven’t seen you for so many years"
"I was busy uncle"
"What are you doing this days?"
"I am doing a small job"
"Roze love, no job is small"
Something about him always makes me wonder how can a person be so graceful.
"When did you come uncle in Korea?"
For a moment he paused.
"Actually dear i am captivated here for a year"
He sighed "you should not bother your little head in this matters"
I just nodded - even not being convinced.
He stared at me,
"Roze promise me one thing"
"What uncle"
"Promise me first"
"Ok i promise"
"Never come here again"
I stilled.
Does he not like me?
I had tears in my eyes immediately.
He cupped my face,
"I know it sounds harsh. But it’s for your own good. You still can try. I don’t know if you will succeed or not. But at least try"
"Uncle Jim, I don’t understand"
I was stunned - more like scarred.
"I can only help you this much. But listen to uncle. Run - far from here. You will be surrounded soon by the lines you won't be able to cross. I couldn’t - because it was way more late for me. Try till your last breathe.
Promise uncle"
I nodded without understanding the moral of the story.

"My love you are here"
I looked at the direction of the voice.
It was uncle damian.
He smiled - the smile no one else could bring to his lips.
He came to uncle jim and kissed him.
I lowered my gaze.
He soon took uncle jim in his lap and started deepening his kiss.
I took my leave silently.
But i heard loud moans at my back coming towards the house.
I saw aunt jieun at the door looking at them - now uncle jim was riding him.
I felt bad for aunt.
They were having sex in broad daylight.

"Aa..yess.. Let's go. I packed everything "
Inside the kitchen she was fixing the boxes in a bag.
"Aunty. Don’t you feel hurt?"
She looked at me with tears in her eyes.
"Roze, let me advice you one thing. Never fall for a man who have another one in his life. It only brings sadness. Marry the one who loves you"
I nodded for the second time today - without understanding the meaning.
"Do you resent uncle Jim?"
"Never.. I was the another one."
"But you are married"
"Roze do you think he is here by choice?"
"Isn’t he?"
She shook her head in denial,
"He suffered way more than me. Do you know his one leg  doesn’t have bones inside?"
Now I was puzzled.
She sighed in pain or guilt I don’t know.
"After our wedding night, Damian never touched me. It was the last and only time. When I was pregnant with Red, Jim tried to break every ties with Damian. Even I did some bad things to him in jealousy. I wanted to teach him a lesson, so like every other side bitch,
I told Damian - I saw Jim with another guy in club. That day was the worst nightmare and a lesson for me. He broke Jim's bones so badly it had to be replaced. Jim can't walk properly - he had to give up acting  because of this"
I stilled.
"Everytime  he tried - Everytime was painful for him. But still he tried to divert Damian towards this family."
"If he loves uncle jim this much madly, then why did he marry you?"
For inheritance you need heir"

I was still in dazed.
I am now walking home.
Everything was too much.
And why uncle Jim said those words to me?
What should I do?

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