chapter : 7

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"Roze, come in the meeting room. The CEO has something to announce"
"We just had the weekly assessment meeting yesterday. Then?"
I asked my co - worker Naved.
"I don’t know actually. Come fast"

I am having second thoughts about this meeting. I am the least well performed worker in this office and also my bad grades are dangling around my neck. I even got two warnings due to my lack of performance. The team leader one day insulted me i front of the whole office. With the arousing fear in my heart, I went towards the big hall.
When it was an announcement, everyone gathered in this hall.

I sat at the back - making me shorter, so that no one notices me.
"Good evening my fellows, today I have a very important announcement to make. In this office there will be some changes."

Now my anxiety is getting out of hand.
"This company is sold under the J.R. industries. So the company president will be inspecting this company closely for a few months and there will be some changes."

My world stilled. What?
That means there is a chance I will be fired? I started shaking and sweating.
"That's it for today. From this week the team will come for inspection. So everyone be prepared for best or worst. Good bye."
With this the CEO just went out of the hall and everyone started talking.

But I couldn’t even move.
What will I do?
I have no one.
And after the last visit, I won't even go to Aunty's house for help.
I ran from there.
Inside the bathroom, I cried my heart out.

When I returned, my mamager shouted at me. I just listened. He even sweared I would be kicked out of this office. I felt more upset. But he is right. Who would want me? I am a good for nothing.
That's why Red also choose Jina.
I sighed at my bad luck.
I shook my head and started doing my pending works.

After coming home, I took a deep breathe. It was my heaven. Even if it’s a one room, but still it’s my heaven.
It’s just a big room - a bed near the window, three plastic boxes to store my belongings, a small table with a stove. That's it, I don’t have a freeze.
I was thinking about buying one. But my salary isn’t much, so i could not afford it.

At first, it felt uncomfortable to live like this - with nothing. Red made me habitual with luxurious delicacies.
Now I can't even afford a good shampoo. I didn’t wash my hair for more than a week. My bathroom doesn’t have warm water facilities. So when the temperature is warm, I do my hair.

If one day Red comes in front of me,  he won't look twice at my direction.
I am so ugly now - my hair is really short, my skin has gotten darker, even my bones are visible. But I am content. I love this life now.
After eating a single bun that I took from the office cafeteria, I went sleep.
And wished for a good day tomorrow.

Today office is really silent. Every one is working with their last soul. Like it’s a do or die. I tried to finish mine.
But I wasn’t even close to last page.
Suddenly a man came running in front of my desk.
He shouted,
"You are called at the CEO's office"
Then I saw he was the secretary of CEO.
I got scared "why" i whispered.
"Just go, hurry"
I ran immediately to the lift.

I knocked at the door,
"Come in"
I went inside " sir you called me?"
He looked at me - 'with judgemental glint?'
"Oh. Yes of course Roze. Come and sit"
Now I was shaking from inside.
"Thank you sir"
"Roze, the president has arrived at the company today."
I stilled " yes sir?"
"You are assigned as the waterboy for him"

What ?
What's that?
" i don’t understand Sir "
"You will work for him"
"Like an assistant?"
"He has five of those. You will be more like chores boy for him - like giving him water, fixing his lunch,preparing his suit or cleaning his desk"
I got puzzled for a few seconds.
Am I a slave for him?

"But sir I have my own work. What about them?"
"That would be suspended for the meantime . Not like they were anything important "

They were for me.
"And you start from today. I already informed your team manager. Now go."
"Where?" I asked like the dumb I was.
He was annoyed and that could be seen by anyone.
"My assistant outside will escort you"
I silently went outside - the assistant took me to the topmost floor.

There was pin drop silence.
I could see only few guard here and there. Two man waiting outside knocked the door for us.
But I was the only one to be sent inside. I prayed to the sky - not to get me fired today.

I just stood at the entrance - It was a big room. The desk was covered by other assistants, so I could not see the man behind the table. Those guys looked at me - I immediately downcast my eyes. I was trembling.
They just rushed outside without saying a word to me.

I just stood there - waiting for my next order. But to my surprise for the ten minutes none came. With the curiosity in my mind, I looked up.

I wasn’t prepared for the sight.
"At last you looked at me"
I couldn’t put a sentence out.
My throat was dry.
"So my personal waterboy, come close and do your work "
He smiled, "prepare my coffee"

hhhatt"He smiled, "prepare my coffee"

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