chapter : 16

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Red's pov :

I will burn everything.
I will burn that wicked witch.
That bloody witch - queen.
What does he think of himself.
That pathetic living creature thinks he can separate my wife from me.
How foolish he is!

I slapped across this bitch 's face.
"I warned you not to make a sound."
She started begging in a second.
I pulled myself out of her and kicked  her.
"I am sorry.. Please leave me."
I got more agitated.
After giving her a really good piece of mind, she stopped shouting.
I clutched her hair "give me my heir or you will see the real hell"

Throwing her away, I tied the knot of my robe. I am really frustrated.
How much I want to be inside my Roze - all my veins are craving him.
But that queen has disappeared him, somewhere. But soon i will have him in my lap, riding my dick.
Even the thought of that gave immense pleasure.

"Master, we found a footage - about young master"
I took the tab from his hand.
The video shows - him doing shopping that day. With that girl.
"This is the last time he was seen. The funfact is Mater Ivor was also seen at the entrance. And he came separately"

Red knew what those events indicate and after whom he had to go.
"Anything else?"
"No master"


Roze's pov :

The satin shirt was really making this dinner more sensual.
"Is the food not to your taste?"
Ivor asked.
"Huh! No No.. It's really good"
"Then why are you not eating?"
"Actually... How should I say this? This is really not what I thought when you asked me for a dinner?"
I embarrassedly smiled.
He looked amused.
"How could I go less for such a beauty!"
Now I was beetroot red.

"Still It's a bit excessive"
"Don't you like the place?"
"Of course I love it. But still Paris - only for a dinner, was not in my book"

We laughed for a few more minutes about his jokes and the weird behaviour.
He is such a darling.

Yes,  he is the one with whom i am staying. The Queen made me hide here. To keep me safe till the crowning. All knew Vasili is the one to get crowned. The Queen didn’t trust him one bit.

"Let's go to the lakeside."
I happily nodded.

We were having a little date night vibe. Sitting in the bench, looking at the moon, holding hands.
"Wanna be my boyfriend?"
I smiled hard "i thought you are never gonna ask"
He kneeled in front of me with a rose in his hand "a rose for my roze"

I took the rose "yes"
He immediately hugged me and kissed me in the lips.
At first it was a soft comforting one but soon it turned into an aggressive heated one.
We both huffed, "let's take this in bed"


Ivor was really gentle.
He cared about me.
We didn’t fuck.
We made love the whole week.

"My love you should wake up"
I didn’t wanna get up at all.
"No I wanna sleep"
He kissed my naked shoulder.
"Jim is here"
He whispered and I immediately sat awake on the bed.
Smilingly he nodded.
I wanted to run to see him.
"Are you going this way?"
Then I got self conscious.
I didn’t even shower.
So i ran inside the bathroom and washed myself.


Uncle Jim was feeding me breakfast.
"I can see you lost weight"
He smiled.
I felt embarrassed.
"Also burned some calories"

The Queen smiled "stop teasing him"
He took a sip of his tea.
"But hun, you could have hidden those red marks. After all I am your in-law"
Now I felt like hiding somewhere.

"Mom.. Stop making fun of my boyfriend. He is already digging a hole on the floor. I don’t want him to hide there now" he caressed my hair and glared in answer.

"Ok Ok... No more fun. Skye is really angry."
Ivor said "you could have brought her with you"
"No... Vasilo would know." the Queen said.
Uncle Jim also nodded "and Red is really on the fire rampage...he could do anything now..i heard your father is in the hospital"
I felt tears coming to my eyes.
"Is he ok?"
"Can't say much...but stable for now"

"Have you met Red?"
"He came to charge me. But the gaurds stopped him."
I could not hear more.


A month later :
Jim's pov :

Damian was thrusting from behind.
I told him to spare me today.
But he never listens to me.
Always giving me pain.

"Husband, slow"
I tapped his olecranon process.
But he thrusted with more force.
"My dear wife, stop your tantrum or I would seal your lips"
He immediately pulled me above his lap.
Now he was on his back on the bed and me, bouncing my ass in opposite direction.
Soon we had our climax.
But as usual he didn’t pull out.
Kissed me nonstop on the shoulder.

"Husband no more" i still could feel him erect inside me.
"Wifey, it isn’t satisfied.. You have to understand"
"No No please"
I tried to get away from him but he tightened his grip around my waist and started bouncing me.

I also got in the mood in a second.
Living with Damian has increased my appetite.
But a ring got my arousal vanished.

I took the mobile from the table side, with him still thrusting.
I saw Ivor's number.
I managed to say this much.
Ivor was sobbing.
My insides got afraid.
"What's wrong Ivor"
I forcefully got away from Damian.
"Wifey get here now"
I literally ignored his threats.
"He got kidnapped"
My world stilled..


Sorry for the late

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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