chapter : 9

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Tonight the room is really cold - I think it’s minus degree. I am shivering in a corner cocooned in a thin blanket which I could afford. There is no room heater inside this room.

I boiled water - sipping it, to feel some warmness inside; but nothing worked.
My life is so miserable that I feel - I am a rat. The one - people kill with a ratkiller trap. Because it’s existence is annoying. In these types of days, I miss Red - very much. He used to take care of me so much that I could never get sick. But now, I sighed out loud.

It’s okay - I am okay.
Shivering, I tried to sleep. But all night  I was clenching my teeth in cold.
Sleep was far from me.

The morning came late today. I felt like a jombie - like I was sleepwalking.
Dillydally - I went inside the president's office room.

Immediately after walking in, I regretted it. I should have knocked.
Jina was present there - not only present, she was sitting on the table with her legs apart - resting her legs on Red's both shoulders. And Red?

Red had his face - inside her skirt.
No one has to tell me what he was doing - I could hear her moans.
That was more than enough to shatter me once again.

I didn’t stand there for another minute. I immediately ran away.
I hid inside the kitchen - didn’t leave for once. All this time, tears ran continuously. I never cried even if I starved, but today my heart is clenching painfully.

After sobbing for another hour, I slowly came out. But the environment was like a bomb blused area - everyone was running,  looking for something. I heard Red's voice booming from his office. But I couldn’t understand what the words were.

It was the CEO.
He ran towards me and started shouting, "where the hell were you?"
I got scared, did I do anything wrong?

Before I could say another word, CEO started dragging me somewhere.
He took me inside President 's office.
"President, here he is"
I was trembling, I couldn’t lift my eyes - didn’t have the courage.
But I could feel a pair of hot burning gaze on me.

After silently standing for few seconds, Red stood before me. He took my chin with his two fingers, i saw his face - there wasnot a single evidence of having sex.

 Jina was sitting on the floor kneeling

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Jina was sitting on the floor kneeling.
But something was off about it.
More like a servant.
But who am I to question?
She is his queen.
Red put pressure on my chin, so again I looked at him. His eyes were looking for something : anything.

I should not let anything affect me.
There are engaged. It's common for them to have sexual relationship.

"Sir, you wanted something?"
Red clenched his jaw, but didn’t say anything. Only stared at me - with anger in his gaze.

My inside was shaking, but I didn’t want to show that.
Red charged towards my lips - But I wasn’t gonna let him have his ways with me again. Never.

I stepped back.
"If nothing then i will have my leave"
Before I could go out, Red gripped my back hair and threw me on the couch.
When i saw, what he did, all my courage vanished.

Red was fuming like, he would have my head. Like he would tear apart anyone.
He was looking - nothing less than a demon. Suddenly he stopped in front of Jina. My inside trembled.
Jina was shaking from top to bottom.
This scene in front of me didn’t settle well for me.

Red suddenly opened his belt - and in a blink he started thrashing her with that lather. It was a living horror in front of my eyes. More to that Jina wasn’t even making a whimper ; she just stayed silent - shedding tears.
Like she was used to it.

When I understood what was happening - I ran to Red and pushed him away,
"You monster, stay away from her"
My heart was bleeding seeing my sister's condition.

I thought Red would be really furious.
But he just smirked.
"Yes. Stay away from my sister. How dare you hit her like this?" i shouted

Red laughed loudly,
"Your sister?  Who? As far as I know, they banished you"
I stilled, he knew - how my days were going?
I gulped, "that doesn’t mean you can hurt her, she is your fiancee "
Red looked at Jina, "am I  hurting you?"
Jina immediately answered bowing,
"No Master. You can never hurt me. I am honoured to be the source of enjoyment "

I was shocked. What?
Is she really Jina?

Red smiled big and patted her head,
"Good, go now"
She without looking at me once went out.
I still could not understand what had happened.
"You have a fever" Red touched my forehead. I tried going back - I was shivering, feeling his touch on me.
But he didn’t let me - he took my hand and went inside his private elevator, now we are inside his penthouse.

I was struggling to remove myself from him. But he just dragged me inside his bedroom.
He just threw me on the bed, and tugged me in the blanket.
"Rest. The doctor will come. What will you eat?"

He was behaving like he just didn’t beat my sister, like he wasn’t shoving his face in her vagina, like we aren’t in the office building.

The only thing knocking in my head constantly, 'i have to resign'

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