Chapter 1: Declan

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I rolled my eyes as Nora sat on the couch with drool practically dripping down her chin while she watched her favourite American actress on TV. The all-too-familiar scene came on and I got up to block her view of Sabrina Hayes.

"Declan, get out of the way!" Nora yelled, moving her head from left to right.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Nor. Am I blockin' your view of what's her name?" I asked.

"Yeah. Can you please move out of the way?" She gave me her puppy-dog face, which she knew was my kryptonite.

"Okay, but only because you were so nice." I sat down next to her, giving her a cheeky smile

"Thank you, Declan." She said as Sabrina appeared on-screen.

While Nora watched Sabrina, I got my sketchbook from my room and drew Sabrina. Nora had asked me to draw her multiple times since It All Happened That Summer came out. It was almost done and it made me smile.

"Declan, can you come in here for a minute please?" Nora called, breaking the trance art always seemed to put on me.

"Sure." I flipped the cover closed, hiding my surprise from view.

I walked into the living room to see the TV paused at the end of the interview.

"What's up?" I asked as I sat on the couch next to her again.

"Listen to this." Nora grinned as she pressed play on the remote.

"I hear someone's looking for a Superfan Consultant during the filming of your new movie. Is that true?" The crowd erupted into applause.

"You heard right. The details are on my social media platforms." Sabrina smiled as the show went to credits.

"I'm goin' to apply." Nora said as she turned the TV off and grabbed her iPhone from the coffee table.

I combed my thick brown hair with my fingers and sighted. "I don't know, Nor. We live in Mullingar, Ireland so it's a long shot she's goin' to pick you. I don't want you to be disappointed."

She looked up from her phone and frowned. "Dec, you know how bad I've wanted to meet Sabrina, this could be my chance. If you want you can come with me.

"Okay you can finish the application." I said, giving her a hug.

She smiled. "Thank you."

I nodded and said a prayer. "Lord, please let Nora get the job."

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