Chapter 2: Sabrina

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Brooke and I parked in the parking lot of our usual place where we would go to party after a long day on a movie set. It was a teen club named Forever Young that gave me, as well as other teenagers a safe place to go without any temptations.

"Ready to party," Brooke asked, taking the keys out of the ignition.

"Always." I smiled at her and got out of the car.

"Let's do this." She smiled back as I went over to the driver's side door and opened it for her.

"Why thank you, Madam Hayes." She said in a posh British accent, making us both laugh.

The vibration of music tickled my feet as we neared the entrance, causing me to smile like the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland. Until I saw camera flashes in my peripheral vision.

Oh no. Why'd the paparazzi have to show up every time I stepped outside my house? My stomach twisted and my whole body tingled. Brooke stopped walking and looked at me.

"Girl, what's wrong? You don't look so hot." She followed my gaze until she realized what was happening and sprinted back to my silver Mustang.

She unlocked the passenger side door and helped me get in, buckling my seatbelt in the process. She smiled at me as I grabbed my bag and pulled out one of my many Beanie Babies. I hugged her before she closed my door and got into the driver's seat.

A few minutes later we were listening to a true crime podcast. I held Penny the Pirate to my chest as I remembered the first time I had a panic attack.

3 years ago - age 15

Brooke and I were at the mall celebrating the theatrical release of It All Happened That Summer when the paparazzi crowded around us.

"Sabrina, what was happening in your life when you got the lead in IAHTS?" (Click)

"That's a very personal question and I would like to go shopping with my best friend without being asked about the movie, please," I said, politely. (flash)

"Oh come on, answer the question." A man with gray hair and a beard said.

"She said it was personal, now go away." Brooke said as she grabbed my hand and tried to push past them.

They kept taking pictures and asking questions as the air in my lungs disappeared.

"Sab, you okay? You look pale." Brooke frowned.

I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out so I just shook my head.

"Okay, let's get you outa here." Brooke and I ran back to one of my six cars.

Brooke took my hand in hers. "You okay?"

I smiled and nodded.

I could only hope they didn't snap a picture of Brooke and me holding hands because if they did it would make the whole situation a thousand times worse for me.


I woke up to my phone ringing and looked at it to check the caller ID:


I slid my finger across the screen of my iPhone and typed in my birthday to unlock it.

"Hey, what's up." My voice was raspy from sleep.

Thank goodness you're awake, I was going to drive to your house if you didn't answer the phone. I could imagine Brooke pacing in her room.

"Let me guess they got 'incriminating' evidence that we're dating."

"Afraid so." she sighed as there was a knock on the door.

"I have to go, I think Alex is here for our meeting."

"Okay, I'll see you later, bye."


After I got dressed I headed to the living room where my parents had already let Alex in.

"There she is." Dad smiled at me when I entered the room.

"It's nice to finally meet you in person." I smiled as I shook Alex's hand.

"You too. My daughters are big fans of yours." Alex said as I sat on the couch next to Mom.

Aw. Tell them hi for me." I grinned.

"I will." He smiled back.

"What is this meeting about? You've been pretty secretive about the new movie you're working on and I normally want to know what the project is before I audition for it."

He nodded. "Does the name Charlotte Adams sound familiar?"

My jaw dropped. "Uh, yeah. She's the protagonist of my favorite mystery series ever."

"Good, because I want you to play her for the adaptations."

Mom squeezed my hand and smiled. "It would be an honor to work with you." I said, trying not to scream.

"I felt the same way about you." He said as he pulled up and showed me the picture I hoped I wouldn't see.

"I can explain." I said as my stomach sank.

"I hope so because my team has already been looking for another actress to be Charlotte." Alex frowned.

I took a deep breath, "I had a panic attack and Brooke led me to my car."

He nodded in understanding as he turned his phone off. "I'll talk with my team Monday meanwhile, can you stay here?

"I was just going to pick up the fan who got the Superfan Consultant position but Brooke could do it."

"Great, I'll be in touch."

Alex shook my hand and I thanked him for his time before he left.

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