Chapter 3: Declan

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We'd just got off the plane and out into hot California sunshine when Nora started biting her lip. "Do we have everythin'? She should be here by now. What if she got in a wreck?"

I smiled at her. "What does Jesus say about worry?"

"He said not to worry because our Father will provide us with everythin' we need and tomorrow has enough worries of its own." Nora took a deep breath and hugged me.

I pulled back just as a dark blue car pulled up to us and an African American girl got out.

"Who are you?" I gritted my teeth as I pulled Nora closer to me.

"Declan, you don't need to protect me. This is Brooke Stevens, Sabrina's best friend." Nora removed my arm from her shoulder and stuck her hand out to Brooke for her to shake. "Nice to meet you. My name's Nora."

"Nice to meet you too, Nora."  Brooke said

"Hate to break your little meet and greet up but wasn't Sabrina supposed to pick us up?"

"She was, but the director of her upcoming film said that she had to stay home." Brooke answered.

As Brooke helped Nora load the 'decoy' car with our new suitcases I imagined Sabrina painting her nails without a care in the world and scoffed.

"Declan, it's time to go." Nora said as she sat in the passenger seat

"Okay, Nor." I said as I climbed in behind her and buckled my seatbelt.

"You guys ready to hit the road?" Brooke started the car and an episode of The Last Night blasted out of the speakers.

"You like True Crime Podcasts?" Nora said and I imagined her bouncing in her seat.

Brooke pulled out of the parking lot and giggled. "Yeah, Sabrina and I listen to these all the time."

"No way, Mum and I too!" Nora squealed.

I rolled my eyes and pulled my sketchbook out of my navy duffel bag.


30 minutes later I looked out the black tinted windows of the car to see a white mansion and frowned. Of course her house would look like a hotel.

"Wow I can't believe I'm about to go into Sabrina's house!" I laughed as I thought about Nora with her eyes wide and mouth open.

"Well believe it, darling." Brooke said, getting out of the car and going around to open the door for Nora.

I opened my door and walked to the front door where Brook waited for us. As I got closer I could hear people talking. Sabrina was having a party when her best friend was picking us up. Unbelievable.

"What took you guys so long?"  Brooke smiled as she opened the door.

We walked in and Nora's jaw dropped as she saw the huge chandelier.

"Close your mouth, sweetie. You're going to catch flies." A very familiar voice came from behind us.

Nora and I turned around to see Sabrina smiling at us.

Y-you're..." Nora stuttered.

"Her?" Sabrina asked, pointing to a picture of herself on the wall.

Nora nodded and smiled.

"You must be Nora Cunningham, it's nice to meet you." Sabrina said as she walked closer to us.

"It's nice to meet you too and this is my bother, Declan. Nora said, snapping out of her trance

"Hey." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Don't mind him, he's just a bit closed off." Nora said

"No I'm not, I just don't like people who say they're goin' to pick someone up and they don't."  I said, looking at Sabrina

"Brooke didn't tell you why I stayed home?" Sabrina frowned.

"She did, she said the director of the film you're supposed to be in told you to stay home." Nora said before I could answer.

"Whatever." I said, walking towards the stairs

"Where are you going?" Sabrina asked

"I'm going to bed." I said.

"Oh, I already set up your room, it's the door on the right. Nora, yours is on the left."

"Thanks."  I  said, walking to my room.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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