chapter 2

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I can see the sun shining through my window, I turn over to my side and look over to see Cali fast asleep beside me.
Her light brown hair shone in the sunlight. I graze my finger upon her skin, outlining the flower tattoos that are on her left arm.
"Hmmm," I hear her groan.
"I love you" I whisper.
Her hazel eyes look up at me, she sends me a small smile and closes her eyes again.
I grab Cali's waist and pull her towards me. She lifts herself up and puts her head on my chest and wraps her arm around my stomach.
"I love you too"
"It's Friday, what are we going to do today? I asked.
"Me, you, Matt, and Nick should go on a hike," she says.
"Why would we wanna do that?" I laughed.
"Because it's good for us, I haven't done much hiking in LA yet"
"Fine, I'll ask them".

I get up from my bed and head downstairs where Nick and Matt are located.
"Cali wants to go on a hike today, what do you guys think?" I say.
"Yes!, we should take her to the Hollywood sign!" Nick says.
"Sounds like a plan".


The four of us make our way up to the Hollywood sign. It was so beautiful up here I think to myself. I look to my left and I see Matt, Chris and Nick taking pictures together. How did I get so lucky to have these three boys in my life? I'm so thankful I found them.


Incredibly, I was able to come to the "Scream IV" premiere. Lots of influencers were invited to come to see the movie. Luckily I am one of them, currently sitting with 2.8 Million followers on insta and 1 million on YouTube. I was walking down the red carpet and at the end, I was getting my last pictures taken when I accidentally walked right into another person.
"I am gosh I'm so sorry" a cute boy spoke.
"No, that was totally my fault" I laughed.
"I'm Chris" the boy stuck out his hand.
"Hi, I'm Cali" , grabbing his hand and shaking it.
His bright blue eyes were beaming at me.
"Who are you sitting with? Would you like to come sit with me and my brothers?" Chris asked.

*Flashback over*

I smile thinking about our first interaction.
"Cali! Come here and get in the picture! We are taking them for our Friday photo dump" Matt yelled.
Matt's yell snapped me out of my thoughts.
I walk over and stand next to Chris, putting my arm around his shoulder.
He slides his arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him. I look over at him, admiring his beautiful smile and his eyes that are dazzling from the sun.
"CALI, LOOK AT THE CAMERA" Nick yells with the phone in his hand.
"I'm sorry, am I distracting you?" Chris smirks at me.
I roll my eyes and send Chris a little smile.

"I am exhausted," Matt says, sitting down on the couch.
"Me too, but seeing the Hollywood sign was amazing," I say while sitting next to their dog Trevor, next to Matt.
I just sat there petting Trevor, he is so freaking cute.
Nick and Chris walk into the room with drinks.
Chris hands me a Diet Coke and sits down and cracks open his Pepsi.
I feel my phone go off.
*text from "Sab"
"Hey girl! I'm having a party tomorrow for Ness birthday! Do you, Chris and his brothers want to come?".
(I know they aren't friends anymore but just go with it)

"What are you guys doing tomorrow?" I ask the boys.
"We have some stuff to do at the warehouse tomorrow morning but after that nothing" Nick replied.
"Tomorrow night Sab is having a party, should we go?" I ask.
"Sure!" Nick replied.
I look over at Matt and then shoot a questioning look at Chris.
"Sure that's fine," Matt says.
"Sounds fine to me," Chris says and kisses my cheek, making me blush.
"Alright, tomorrow at 9 pm, I'll text Matt the address and I'll meet you guys there," I say.

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