chapter 5

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"I cant believe that just happened i dont even know what to do." I say to myself, walking up to my front door.
My phone is blowing up like crazy, Chris, Matt and Nick are all texting me.
I opened my front door, tears still streaming down my face.
I look up and see Micheal and Logan looking at me, in shock.
"Wanna take a picture? It lasts longer" I say to both of them, glaring.
I stomp past them up to my room and slam my door.
I sit on my bed and put my head in my palms and let it all out.
I dont understand, Chris would never do that to me, I dont get it.
I lay my head on my pillow and let the tears flow from my eyes like a river.

"Chris this is really bad" Nick says to me.
"I would never cheat on my girlfriend you guys have to believe me, Cythina pushed me against the wall and kissed me!" I say to my brothers.
I drag my hands through my hair and pace back and forth, pacing my bedroom.
"Can you text her again!? She isnt answering me, maybe she will answer you guys' '.
"Chris" Nick says while grabbing my shoulder.
"No!, dont "Chris" me, i say while throwing his hand off my shoulder and walking away.
"Chris, we have texted,called and facetimed her, just give her some time and youll be able to talk to her '' Matt says.
"What if she wont let me, what if i lost her" i say, crying now.
Matt walks over to me and pulls me into a hug.
"It will be okay," Matt says.
I just stand there, feeling hopeless with tears streaming down my face.
It will be okay.

It's been about a week since the party, i havent talked to Chris and i havent given him the chance too. The more I think about it, the more I think maybe this whole situation isnt what i think it is. Maybe he was telling the truth.
Cali it's not what it looks like!
His voice replays in my head.
It was 11:09pm and I was sitting on my bedroom floor, having myself a pity party.
I see my door slowly open and I see someone standing infront of me.
I look up at the person and I see Micheal , with a sympathetic look on his face.
"Hey" Micheal spoke in a soft tone.
"Hi, can I help you?" I spoke.
" I just wanted to see if you were okay, clearly not," he said as he sat beside me.
"No," I said, in a soft tone.
"Well I'm here to listen if you want to talk".
"I dont even know what to say, i feel heartless, i havent talked to Nick, Matt or Chris in a week, what if Chris was telling the truth?".

I wondered why he cared, Micheal usually wants nothing to do with my relationship.
"You know, you trust people too easily Cal, you literally saw him kiss another girl," Micheal says as he scoots closer to me.
"I guess" I shrug.
I feel Micheal put his arm around me, I freeze.
"What are you doing?" I said to him,
"Something ive been wanting to do since i lost you '' he says as he gently grabs my face and pulls my face towards his and then stops. Our faces were so close I could feel his breath, for a moment I was okay with his happening but something snapped in my brain.
Cali it's not what it looks like!
Chris. I love Chris, not Micheal
I pulled away from Micheal
"I'm sorry I can't," I say while looking down.
"Cali, you have to accept that he cheated on you, i'm sorry that happened to you but i'm here to pick up the pieces" he spoke.
"Micheal, you cheated on me too, what are you even saying right now? You didnt want me either '' I said with my eyebrows scruched.
"Really? I would barely call what I did cheating on you, I was just texting another girl, there were no emotions involved. " Micheal says.
I get up from the floor and walk over to my dresser and grab my car keys.
"Youre unbelievable" i spoke to Micheal while heading for the doorway.
I need to get out of here. I decided I was going to drive over to the Warehouse.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2023 ⏰

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