Bakugou Has a Bad Time

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YN: Come on, fanboy.  We have class.

I dragged Izuku away from the commotion that was Mount Lady's deboob- I mean debut.  He struggled but eventually gave in and started walking with us.

Izuku: So, you two are applying to UA, right?

Frisk: Mhm.

YN: Yeah, aren't you?

Izuku: Y-yeah, but just... don't tell Kacchan.

YN: Regardless of whether or not I tell him, he's not going to touch you.  I'll make sure of that.

I grinned sadistically and my left eye flashed blue, and Izuku waved his hands around.

Izuku: You look like you're going to kill him!

I cracked my knuckles not dropping my grin.

YN: I won't kill him, that'd make me a murderer.  I'm just gonna break his arms!

Frisk: I'll break his knees.

I laughed and ruffled her hair, and she blushed a tiny bit before going back to her normal blank stare.  We got to school, and most of the day went by normally.  Torturous classes, keeping Bakugou away from Izuku, and more torturous classes.  The end of the day came, and the teacher addressed the class.  I was asleep, but woke up when everyone started firing their quirks off. I groaned and put my head back down.  A hand landed on my shoulder and I looked behind me, smiling at Frisk.  Her eyes were glowing green.

YN: Thanks Frisk.

She nodded and I put my head back down.

Bakugou: Don't lump me in with these extras, teach!

I lifted my head back up and sighed.  Here we go again.

Bakugou: Let's be real, I'm the only one here who's gonna make it into UA!

Teacher: Hm... you're records are impressive, I'd say you have a decent chance.

He grinned and stood up on the desk, bragging to the class, and I just tuned him out.  Until...

Teacher: Oh, Midoriya, Dreemur, and Sans, you all applied for UA too, right?

The class went dead silent, then everyone started laughing.

Dumbass 1: Really?  Midoriya?

Dumbass 2: Fat chance!

Bakugou walked over to Izuku's desk, and blew it up, his face contorting in more rage than usual.

Bakugou: Listen, damn Deku!  Don't even think about trying to go to UA! You're a pathetic quirkless wannabe, you'd never be able to keep up with the rest of us!

I'd had enough.  The temperature in the room dropped, and my left eye started glowing bright blue while my right eye turned pitch black.  Everyone in the room went silent as I walked up behind Bakugou, grabbing his shoulder and slamming him against the wall, pinning his arms behind his back.

YN: You know, for someone who wants to be "the number one hero", you sure act like a villain.  Do you think All Might ever bullied someone who didn't have a quirk, or acted like the piece of shit you are?  I'm gonna guess no.  So pull the stick out of your ass, and learn to be a human being!

I let go and kneed him in the balls, walking back to my desk.  The pupil in my right eye came back, but my left eye was still glowing.

YN: And all of you...

I looked over the class, and everyone shrunk back into their seats.

YN: I hope you're all happy, knowing that you made fun of someone you thought was weaker than you.  Izuku's got a better chance of being a hero than all of you combined, from his attitude alone.

I sat down and my eye stopped glowing, and the teacher finished the class.  I packed up my stuff, and went to the bathroom.  I came back to the class to get Izuku and Frisk, but before I got there I heard an explosion.  I rushed to the door and opened it, to see Bakugou throw Izuku's now smoking notebook out the window.  He started walking towards the door, and what he said next finally crossed the line.

Bakugou: You want to be a hero?  Go take a swan dive off the roof and pray you'll be born with a quirk in your next life.

He grinned and turned around, only to find himself in an empty pitch black space.  He looked around, confused.

Bakugou: Where-

YN: So you think you can be a hero, huh kid?

Bakugou looked around, fear creeping onto his face, as he searched for the source of the voice.  He tried to create an explosion in his hand, but nothing happened.

YN: Well, I tried to warn you in class, didn't I?  But you didn't listen, so now... are you ready to have a bad time?

He turned around to run right into me, but I looked... different.  Instead of how I normally looked, what Bakugou saw was a skeleton with a big smile on its face.  I grinned, and a flaming blue pupil appeared in my left eye.  I raised my hand, and Bakugou floated into the air.

YN: It's a beautiful day outside.  The sun is shining, birds are chirping.  On days like these, kids like you... SHOULD BE BURNING IN HELL!

I swiped my hand around in the air as Bakugou flew threw the air, smashing into invisible walls.  I dropped him to the ground and created a giant Gaster Blaster behind me, then I blasted him.  The black space disappeared, and Bakugou flew backwards into the wall.  He slumped to the floor, sheer terror in his eyes.

Bakugou: What... what the fuck... what are you?

I smirked and walked over to him, my eye glowing blue.

YN: Your worst nightmare.  Get the fuck out of here.

He scrambled up and ran out of the room.

Izuku: What was that?

I smiled.

YN: Well, you told me I couldn't kill him, so I just traumatized him a bit.  A little PTSD never hurt anyone, right?

Frisk: Well...

YN: I'm kidding.  I brought him to my own little pocket dimension.  He should recover mentally, but if he doesn't... well, I don't really care.

I smiled and walked towards the door.

YN: Anyways, I'm gonna head out.  I've got somewhere to go.  Frisk, do you want to come?

She nodded and patted Izuku on the shoulder, following me out of the room.

Frisk: Did you have to go that far?

YN: I... I'm sorry.  I did go too far, but I can't say that he didn't deserve it.  He wants to be a hero, but he's just an asshole who bullies people he deems weaker.  And in my opinion... that's the true essence of a villain.  If he can be a better person, great.  If not, then it's his loss.

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