Mineta Has A Bad Time

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Frisk almost fell on her face as we all trudged into the camp site, exhausted.  I caught her, and she began snoring as I lifted her onto my back.

Mandalay: That's the time it would've taken us.  Sorry!

Sato: You were trying to boast about how much better you are?  That's mean...

Kirishima: I'm hungry... I'm gonna die...

Pixie-Bob began laughing.

Pixie-Bob: But honestly, I thought it would take even longer.  You guys didn't have as hard of a time beating my earth beasts as I thought you would.  You guys are great!  Especially... you five!

She pointed at Iida, Izuku, Todoroki, Bakugou, and I.

Pixie-Bob: Were you able to act without hesitation because of your experience?

She licked her lips as I looked on, concerned.  Then she jumped at us.

Pixie-Bob: I'm looking forward to seeing where you'll be in three years!  I call dibs!

A wall of bones shot up from the ground, blocking her from reaching us.

YN: We already have one teacher who makes suggestive comments like that, we don't need another one!

Aizawa: Mandalay... was she always like that?

Mandalay: She's a little desperate, since she's about the suitable age for, you know...

YN: Suitable age for WHAT?

Izuku: Speaking of suitable age-

Pixie-Bob grabbed his face.

Pixie-Bob: What about it?

Izuku: I-it's been bothering me for a while... whose child is that?

He pointed at the boy standing next to Mandalay.  He couldn't have been more than twelve, and he was wearing a red cap with yellow horns.

Mandalay: Oh, not one of ours.  He's my cousin's kid.  Come on, Kota.  Greet everyone.  You'll be with them for the next week.

Izuku walked over to him.  For some reason, the kid's been glaring at us this entire time, but Izuku hasn't noticed by the looks of it.

Izuku: I'm Izuku Midoriya from UA High School's hero course.  Nice to meet you.

He stuck his hand out for a handshake... but he fucked up.  The kid reeled back, and punched him square in the dick.  I burst out laughing as Iida ran over to Izuku, who was frozen in agony as Kota began to walk away.

Iida: Midoriya!  You brute of a nephew!  Why would you do that to Midoriya's scrotum?

Kota turned and gave a surprisingly good death glare.

Kota: I don't intend to hang out with guys who want to become heroes!

Iiida: Intend?  How old are you?

YN: Welp, Midoriya's never having kids.

Bakugou just smirked.

Bakugou: My hero.

Todoroki: Isn't he kind of like you?

Bakugou: WHAT?  Not at all!  Shut up, you bastard!

Todoroki: Sorry.

Aizawa: Enough with this charade.  Get your stuff off the bus.  Once you've put your bags in your rooms, we'll have dinner in the cafeteria.  We'll start for real tomorrow.

I groaned, shaking Frisk to wake her up.  She slowly opened her eyes as I kissed her on the forehead.

YN: Come on, Frisky.  Let's get our stuff and get dinner.  I hope they have hot dogs.


Mineta: Well, frankly, food and stuff isn't really important...

Mineta was currently staring at the wall and mumbling to himself.

Mineta: That's not what I'm here for.  What I'm here for is beyond that wall.

Izuku: What are you talking to yourself about, Mineta?

Suddenly I heard Mina's voice from the other side of the wall.

YN: Mineta... don't even think about it.

My left eye began glowing blue as my right eye turned pitch black.

Kaminari: Don't tell me you're...

Iida: Mineta, stop it!  What you are doing is demeaning for both yourself and the girls!  It is shameful behavior!

YN: That's never stopped the grapist before, Iida.  Mineta, if you do what I think you're gonna do, you're gonna have a REALLY bad time!

Mineta suddenly began climbing the wall rapidly.  Two glowing blue bones fired at him, embedding themselves in the wall above him, but he just climbed around them.

Mineta: Walls were meant to be climbed!  PLUS ULTRA!


Swap suddenly appeared next to me, then ran straight up the wall and kicked Mineta in the face, knocking him down.  Mineta's towel fell of, and he landed ass first on Iida's face.  I burst out laughing at this.

Tsuyu: Mineta really is the worst, isn't he?

Uraraka: Thanks Swap!

Swap gave a thumbs up, without looking, then vanished.

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