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Sorry for the next few chapters being shorter, I'm dealing with a ton right now with work, school, and relationship stuff.  Enjoy this exposition dump for now!

Everyone sat in awkward silence as YN was asleep, leaning on Frisk's shoulder.  He was also snoring louder than the bus' engine.

Tsuyu: Is he... ok?

Jirou: It sounds like he's dying.

Frisk: He's fine, he's just tired.

Tsuyu / Jirou: Ah...


YN: What the... where am I?

???: Y o u ' r e   a w a k e ,   g o o d .

I sat up, looking for the source of the voice.  It sounded like mine, but... off, somehow.  I realized I was sitting in a snowy forest, leaning against a massive door.  I looked up and there were suddenly three figures standing over me.

???: Sup bruh.

???: Hi!

The third one stayed silent, as I got to my feet and finally got a good look at them.  They all looked similar to my Sans form, but each had different details.

  They all looked similar to my Sans form, but each had different details

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YN: Who are you guys?

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YN: Who are you guys?

The one with black skin spoke.

Error: W e ' r e   y o u . . .   k i n d   o f .   I ' m   E r r o r .

Epic: The name's Epic, bruh.

The younger looking one appeared next to me in a blur, grinning up at me.

Swap: I'm Swap!

I was beyond confused at this point, as Swap raced back to the others.

YN: Okay, so why are you here?  And where are we?

Error: D o n ' t   w o r r y ,   t h i s   i s   j u s t   a   d r e a m .

Epic: We're alternate versions of yourself, bruh.  We died in our realities, so now we're a part of you... bruh.

YN: Okay...

Swap: You can manifest us using your... quirk?  That's what you guys call them, right?

YN: Yeah, but... why me?

Epic: Because you're the original, bruh.  Over time, more variants of yourself are gonna show up, and they'll help you too, bruh.

YN: Why do you keep saying bruh?

Epic: I don't know what you're talking about, bruh.

I sighed, turning to Error.

YN: You haven't spoken as much as these two, are you just quieter?

Error: T h a t ' s   b e c a u s e   i t ' s   a   p a i n   i n   t h e   a s s   f o r

t h e   a u t h o r   t o   w r i t e   m y   d i a l o g u e ,   s o   I   d o n ' t   s a y   m u c h .

YN: What?

Error: W h a t ?

I sighed... these guys are weird.

Epic: Hey, we're not weird, bruh!

YN: Can you... read my thoughts?

Swap: Like Error said, this is a dream.  We all exist in your mind until you call us out, so we always know what you're thinking.

Epic: Anyways, it's time for you to wake up, bruh.  Swap's the only one who can come out on his own, so he'll visit ya later today and explain how this all works, bruh.

I opened my eyes as Frisk was shaking me.

Frisk: We're back, wake up.

I rubbed my eyes as she kissed me on the cheek and helped me up.  We got off the bus, and were told to head home for the day.  I walked over to one of the officers, who was wearing a trench coat.  I assume that the drip means he's in charge.

YN: Um, excuse me?  Where's Izuku Midoriya?

Tsukauchi: Ah, he's in the nurse's office.

YN: Alright, thank you.

Frisk and I headed to the nurse's office, where we found Izuku and a skinny All Might.

Izuku: Oh... hey guys...

Frisk: You hurt yourself... again...

I sighed, as Frisk smacked him on the head.

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