Battle Training

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After the quirk assessment yesterday, as well as Aizawa's "logical ruse", we are now sitting in class for hero analytics.

Eijiro: So, who do you think will be our hero analytics teacher?

Uraraka: I hope it's not Aizawa again...

Poor Uraraka, she's traumatized after what Aizawa put us through.

All Might: I AM HERE!

We heard a voice from the hall, and I smirked.

YN: I think I have an idea...

The door flung open and All Might marched in, wearing his Silver-Age costume.  Everyone talked about how retro it was, and how cool it was that All Might is actually teaching us.

All Might: Today, we'll be doing a hero exercise!

He held up a card that said "BATTLE".

Bakugou: Fight training!

Izuku: R-real combat?

All Might: But first, the most important part of being a hero is... looking good!

He pressed a button on a remote and the wall behind him opened up, showing suitcases with our names on them.

All Might: Put on your costumes, and meet at Ground Beta!  Away!

He ran out of the room and I smiled, shaking my head, as I grabbed my box and pulled out my costume.  It was my jacket, but I'd sent it in to the support company to have it remade.  It was now made of a woven, heat-resistant armor, and the shirt under it was made of the same material.  I had sweatpants made to be fireproof, and sneakers with magnetic stabilizers built in to allow me to easily maintain my balance, as well as walk and stand on walls.  I put it on, and jumped side to side a bit, noticing that it was somehow more lightweight than when it was just a regular jacket.  I then went into my pocket dimension, making sure that the armor came with me, and it did.  I closed my eyes, focused, then opened them again.  Megalovania started playing in the background.  I left the dimension and grinned, cracking my knuckles.

YN: This'll be fun.


I walked over to Frisk.  She was wearing some blue armor and a hot pink scarf.

YN: You look good, Frisky.

Frisk: So do you.

All Might: All right, you zygotes!

I nudged Frisk, and she looked towards me.

YN: What's a zygote?

She shrugged and elbowed me in the ribs, motioning to pay attention.

All Might: Your teams have been chosen through lots!  Here they are!

I looked up at the board, and I saw that I was paired with Momo Yaoyorozu, and we were up against Shoto Todoroki and Mezo Shoji.  Yaoyorozu walked over to me, and I put my hand out.

YN: I look forward to working with you, Yaoyorozu.

I smiled and she shook my hand.

Yayorozu: Call me Yaomomo, everyone else does.  Nice to meet you, Sans.

I grinned as the two of us sat down, discussing what our strategy should be.


Frisk was sitting on my lap, holding me down from going to kill Bakugou.  I'd probably be enjoying the position we're in, if I wasn't so pissed off.

YN: Come on, Frisk... just let me break ONE of his legs.

She shook her head no, and I sighed.  The round ended, and All Might sent me and Yaoyorozu to prepare.  We were the hero team, and Todoroki and Shoji were guarding the bomb.

Yaoyorozu: Um... Sans? Are you sure you're alright?

YN: Thanks Yaomomo, I'm fine.  I'll ask for Izuku's permission before I rip Bakugou's arms off... although knowing Izuku he'll probably tell me not to.

Yaomomo: I see.  So the three of you have bad blood?

YN: I live with Izuku.  I see him as a brother, and I'll care about and protect him as such. Bakugou... well, from what I know they were friends before they got their quirks.  Izuku was a late bloomer and Bakugou got a strong quirk, resulting in him turning into an arrogant asshole who picks on people he deems weaker.

We reached the training grounds, and All Might started talking on the speakers.

All Might: Okay, hero team, you are good to go!

Yaoyorozu walked to the door and tried to open it.  It wouldn't budge.  I figured Todoroki would do something like this.

YN: Yaomomo, he probably froze the door.  Back up, I'll burn through it.

Yaoyorozu stepped back, and I raised my hands.  Glowing bones wreathed in blue flames formed around me and fired at the door, blowing it off the hinges and melting a hole through the ice.

Yaoyorozu: I have a plan, Sans.  I can make a grappling hook and get to the roof.  If you go inside here, and I go in through the roof, we can flank them.

I smiled and nodded, ducking into the hole.  I crawled through and stepped out by the stairs, only to look up and see Todoroki a few floors above me.

Todoroki: Impressive, you got through pretty quickly.  Good luck with this.

Giant icicles formed on the ledges and ceiling, falling down the stairwell towards me.  I formed bones over my head and under my feet, rising up through the center of the stairwell while simultaneously blocking and melting the icicles.  I reached Todoroki, who smirked and put his foot on the ground in front of him, as a glacier formed and rushed towards me.  I made Gaster Blasters and blew the ice apart.  Todoroki backed away, trying to put some distance between us.

YN: Really?  Surely you realize that's not gonna work.  Fine, I'll get serious too.

Todoroki turned around to make his way back down the hall, but instead found himself in an endless black void.

Todoroki: What the hell...

YN: Heya!

Todoroki spun around to see me in my Sans form, both of my eyes blacked out.  He stomped his foot down, presumably trying to use his quirk, but nothing happened.  Megalovania started playing in the background.

Todoroki: Wha-

YN: You look frustrated about something.  Guess that means I'm good at my job, huh?  Well, regardless of that... you wanna have a bad time?

I raised my arms and Gaster Blasters formed in a circle around Todoroki.  He tried to move, but there was nowhere to run.  His eyes widened as the G.B.s' mouths began to glow blue

YN: Bang.

The Gaster Blasters all fired at once, knocking him out.  The black void dissolved and we were back in the real world.  Todoroki fell over, unconscious.

YN: Welp, that settles that.

All Might: The Hero Team wins!

Huh, guess Yaoyorozu already reached the bomb.  Oh well.  I picked up Todoroki and draped him over my shoulder, just in time to see Yaoyorozu and Shoji walking down the stairs.  When they saw me, they both looked surprised.

YN: Yo.

Yaoyorozu: Y-you beat Todoroki on your own?

YN: Yep.

Shoji: How?

YN: Let's just say... he had a bad time.

With that, I grinned and walked out of the building.

The Bad Time Hero (Male Reader x MHA)Where stories live. Discover now