The USJ: Part 1

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Iida: Alright, everyone in a single file line onto the bus!

Iida is taking his new role as class representative very seriously.  Honestly, it's giving me a headache.

YN: Y'know, Izuku, I respect your decision to step down and have Iida be Class Rep, but he's making me want to kill myself...

I sighed as we got on the bus.  It wasn't the type of bus that Iida thought it was, so he just sat down in the front row, looking dejected.  Frisk and I ended up in the back row, with Izuku in front of us.  Tsuyu pointed out that Izuku's quirk is similar to All Might, but thankfully Eijiro unknowingly helped deflect the conversation.  Then they started talking about who has the flashiest quirks.

Eijiro: I'd say Bakugou, Todoroki, and YN.  They're all powerhouses, and their quirks are super eye-catching.

Tsuyu: Yeah, but Bakugou's always angry, so he'll never be popular.

I tried to hold in my laughter, and even Frisk cracked a small smile.

Bakugou: HEH?  What did you just say?  I'll kill you!

Tsuyu: See?

Kaminari: Yeah, we all just met you and we already know your personality is flaming crap mixed with garbage!  That speaks volumes, man!

I couldn't hold it back anymore, and I burst out laughing.  Once I collected myself, I leaned over to Frisk.

YN: Who would've thought Bakugou would get bullied at UA?  This is gonna be a fun year.

Frisk kissed me on the cheek and leaned her head on my shoulder.  I smiled, only to hear squeals from a few rows ahead.  I looked to see Mina and Hagakure with big smiles, and Hagakure had her hands clasped together.  Mina grinned and held up her phone, showing us a picture of Frisk kissing me on the cheek.

YN: Show anyone, and I break your phone...

My eye started glowing.  Mina and Hagakure shook in fear, quickly turning around.

Aizawa: Everyone shut up and get out.  We're here.

We all filed off the bus and went into the building.  It was a massive glass dome, with different types of environments like a city, a lagoon, a snowstorm, and many others.  Everyone looked around in awe at the building.

Thirteen: Hello, kids!  Welcome to the Unforeseen Simulation Joint.  Or as I like to call it, the USJ!

Thirteen gave a speech on quirk usage, but I got bored and started looking around the facility.  It was really cool.  There was a landslide zone, a massive lake in the middle with a yacht in it, a city, a purple and black smoke cloud in the middle, a snow area... wait a minute.  My head snapped back towards the middle of the complex, where a swirling black and purple mass was slowly expanding.  Aizawa noticed too, because he tensed up and ran towards the stairs.

Aizawa: Thirteen!  Protect the students!

Eijiro: What's that?  Has the training started already?

Aizawa: Get to the exits!  Those are villains!

Everyone had a look of fear on their faces.  Frisk hugged my arm, even she looked scared.  We all ran towards the exit, but the mist reformed in front of us.

Kurogiri: Greetings.  I am Kurogiri, one of the leaders of the League of Villains.  It's a pleasure to meet you all.  If I'm not mistaken, All Might should be here, correct?  Was there a change in schedule?

Eijiro and Bakugou ran towards him, preparing to attack.  Thirteen tried to stop them, but it was too late.  Their attacks went right through him.

Kurogiri: Oh dear, that was close.  That's right, even if you are children, you are marvelous golden eggs.  No matter, I still have my role to play.  My job is to scatter you around the facility, where you will meet my comrades... and your deaths.

The smoke quickly surrounded us and everything went black.  A few seconds later, I was on my back in a building.  I looked around, seeing Bakugou and Eijiro near me.  I stood up, walking over to Eijiro and helping him to his feet.  I held my hand out to Bakugou, but he slapped it away and got up himself.  He stormed towards the door as a villain ran in, going to punch him.  Bakugou blew him up, sending him flying through a wall.  He then stomped out of the room.

Eijiro: Has he always been like this?

YN: Yeah.  Oddly, it grows on you.

Eijiro: I don't believe you.

YN: That's cause I was lying.

I formed a Gaster Blaster, blowing out the windows of the room.  I then summoned bones, forming them into a staircase going to the ground.

YN: Can you go keep him from doing anything too stupid?  I'll go find the others.

Eijiro nodded, running out of the room.  I ran down the stairs, heading towards the entrance.  When I got there, Iida was trying to get past Kurogiri, but to no avail.  He was probably trying to get out so he could go get the pros.  It makes sense, he's probably the only one fast enough to get them in time.  I ran over to Uraraka.

YN: Alright, Uraraka.  What's the plan?

Uraraka: Sans!  We're trying to make an opening for Iida to get past him, but our attacks go right through him.  There is a part of him that's solid though.  A metal cylinder inside the smoke.

I nodded, running forward.  My left eye glowed a bright blue, as my right pupil disappeared and the air around me shimmered.  There was a burst of blue fire around me and I was now in my Sans form.  I formed a ball of Soul Fire in my right hand, about the size of a basketball.  If he doesn't have a physical body, then I'll just hit his soul!  I jumped over the cloud of mist, throwing the ball down towards him.


I slammed the Soul Fire into him as he screamed in agony.  The mist became less dense, and I saw the cylinder.  I thrust my arm out, using telekinesis to throw it into the air.

YN: Go now, Iida!

Iida stared at me, frozen, but quickly snapped out of it.  He rocketed towards the door, making it out of the building and speeding off towards the campus.  I sighed in relief as Kurogiri vanished, and I went back to my human form.

Mina: W-what was that skeleton YN?  That was scary!

I chuckled, scratching the back of my head.

YN: That was my Sans form-

The door suddenly burst open, and a figure walked through.  It was All Might... and he looked PISSED!

All Might: Fear not, kids.  It's alright now... I AM HERE!

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