Chapter Thirty-Four

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"You're staying?"

The hopeful voice of Veronica Castellano rang through the empty street, in the cold air—watching as Alexia made her way back up the pathway, awkwardly stuffing her hands into her pockets.

She was wearing Barcelona joggers, which the brunette smiled at, knowing that Alexia would force the Real Madrid captain into them, any chance that she could get.

"One day, you'll wear these," A half-naked blonde muttered in to Veronica's side, kissing her neck as she did so, "And you'll wear it with pride."

"I can't betray Real," Veronica rolled her eyes, knowing how their conversation would end, "And I will die before wearing the Barça badge."

"Always the pessimist," The captain chuckled, causing shivers to run down Veronica's spine as her eyes shut at the sensation, "One day..."

Back to the present, Veronica was shook out of her daydream when she heard Alexia clear her throat, as they were now stood opposite one another, wearing awkward expressions.

"I lose all control around you... But, I can't do that if... if she's here." Alexia eyed the door, staring at the elevator in the distance and hoping that the blonde who answered the door would come out of it, and leave.

"You don't recognise her." Veronica realised, smiling slightly at the captain's dumbfounded expression, "Carpenter. She plays for Lyon."

"Oh..." Alexia's eyes widened as she too realised, remembering the celebrations of the Lyon players who had won the Champions League, "That still doesn't answer why she's kissing your cheek... and getting you drunk."

"Can... Can we go inside and talk? It's cold out here," Veronica smiled nervously, relieved when the blonde nodded with a smile of her own.

"You're always cold, Bonita." Alexia chuckled quietly, following behind the brunette who hurriedly made it back inside the apartment block and entered the elevator, "Is that better?"

"Much." Veronica groaned, rubbing her arms to warm herself up, "I'm... I'm sorry if Ellie is there, I told her to leave."

"But, why? She's your girlfriend..." The blonde sadly questioned, unable to meet her eyes due to the sadness that overcame her.


The elevator doors dinged open, and Veronica's expression dropped while Alexia's eyes rolled when they saw who was waiting for the elevator.

Ellie Carpenter.

Silence brewed in the air as the three women stared wordlessly at each other, until the Australian awkwardly laughed and went to hug Alexia in order to break the tension.

Instead, the tension thickened as the Barcelona captain stepped back and put her hand out for Ellie to shake instead.

Veronica winced at this gesture, trying her hardest not to smirk at the Australian's red cheeks due to her humiliation.

"I'm a huge fan, you're seriously my idol." Ellie obliviously complimented, unaware of the worsening tension between them, as well as Veronica's disappointed expression, "I'm Ellie Carpenter... I play for—"

"Lyon and Australia," Alexia commented briskly, running her eyes up and down the tall woman's figure to try to intimidate her, "I know."

Veronica furrowed her eyebrows, piecing together the puzzle as Alexia lied about not knowing who Ellie was, but why?

"Wow... You know me, V tells me all about you." Ellie grinned innocently, well aware of the glare that had been directed towards her from the brunette stood behind Alexia.

"She... She does?" Alexia was the one to be confused now, believing that the woman that she loved and Ellie were in a relationship, but it didn't seem the way, "The two of you aren't...?"

Ellie then laughed, "No... That is in the past." The Australian decided not to comment anymore after that, though regarding the confusion across the blonde's face, "I need to go back to France... Dan needs me."

"Nothing has changed." Veronica commented with a scoff, but accepting the hug off of the tall blonde anyways, sighing in relief, "I'll... actually miss you, El."

"I'll miss you too, V. See you at the World Cup?" Ellie winked teasingly, earning a shove in the shoulder as she entered the elevator, while the two women left and walked in to Veronica's apartment.

The apartment was cleaned, the wine bottles had been thrown away and the pillows were organised—Ellie felt a duty to be helpful while Veronica was gone, for she would do anything for her ex-girlfriend—no matter the situation.

"It's a nice place you have, I... It's like I expected." Alexia smiled to herself, her eyes trailing over the multiple photo frames on the mantelpiece in the living room, seeing photos with her club and country teammates.

"You thought of what my home would look like?" Veronica laughed as she had caught the captain, whose cheeks were flushed red as she realised what she had said.

"No... I mean... That sounds weird, yes..."

"Ale," Veronica stepped forward, laying her palm on the captain's crossed arms, causing them to unfold as the brunette brought her an unspoken comfort, "It's okay, it's just me."

Alexia understood what she meant by that, but decided to turn the conversation around, "It's only you?"

Veronica smiled tightly, as she had caught onto the hint, gesturing for Alexia to follow her to sit on the comfortable settee.

The two sat down, their knees brushing against one another's and Alexia's fingertips perched by the brunette's side, clenching them to stop from grasping her exposed skin from the vest.

"I'm sorry," Veronica starts, breathing in deeply as her eyes meet with Alexia's deep, hazel irises that she drowned in, "I shouldn't have left without a word."

"No, you shouldn't have," Alexia's voice trembled, causing the brunette opposite her to gulp in fear, "But I understood why you did it."

"You're not mad?"

"I could never be mad at you, Bonita... Confused, maybe a bit."

Veronica breathed in, preparing herself for what she was going to tell Alexia.

"Ellie and I were together a couple of years ago, our relationship was a secret," The brunette revealed, playing with the captain's fingers to distract herself from her erratic heartbeat, "She respected the fact I hadn't came out... But, soon she got tired of hiding and dated Danielle van de Donk."

"Bonita, I..."

"Please, Ale, just let me finish. I need you to know everything," Veronica pleaded, relieved when the woman nodded submissively, "After that, I hid away from relationships and then... you came along, and everything I had built up came crashing down."

The brunette was being completely vulnerable with Alexia, not believing that there would be a time in her life where she would confide in the Putellas woman.

But, life was volatile, and they had no way of knowing what would come next.


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