Chapter Forty-Six

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Me: I won't post much because of my injury
Also me: posts six chapters within five days


The end of the first official match between Spain and Costa Rica was rearing its head, and the ugly truth that Vilda had failed to play his former star captain, Alexia Putellas was beginning to become a reality.

The Putellas woman hid her face behind her hands, as she watched the seconds tick by and turn in to minutes, until the final whistle blew.

While she smiled for her team who had won by three goals, including Veronica's two assists on them, she couldn't help but feel that it was simply a facade.

And as Alexia watched her girlfriend shout in victory, speaking to fans who screamed for their captain, her smile slowly dropped as the realisation that the team excelled without her.

That she was now an option... a bit of dead meat to Vilda.

Watching as the team smiled and celebrated their first victory—hopefully, of many—Alexia felt a burning feeling build inside of her chest until it rose up her throat, urging itself out of her mouth.

Veronica pulled away from Esther's embrace as she watched her girlfriend disappear in to the tunnel, the image of tears in Alexia's eyes was imprinted in to her mind.

Attempting to wrestle through the crowd as well as shaking hands with the opposition, Veronica was stopped once more which caused her even more frustration.


"Easy there," Ona laughed and retracted her hands away from the brunette's arm, "You played really well, I knew you'd be a great captain."

"I am?" Veronica was stuck between staying to talk to the defender, or chase after Alexia—yet, the smile on Ona's face caused her to stay.

"The team trusts you, they are... confused, at the moment. After what Vilda said—"

"They have a right to be mad." The brunette gulped down the guilt in her throat, diverting her attention so that she wouldn't le the truth spill—no matter how much she wanted to be honest.

But as Vilda watched her with a burning glare, Veronica knew to stay silent.

"Like I said... When you're ready," Ona smiled again, rubbing the brunette's forearm kindly and walked beside Veronica towards the bench.

"Thank you Ona, but..." The Spanish captain hesitated, looking around them before she turned back to the smaller woman, "Why are you being so nice to me?"

Then, Ona began to laugh suspiciously causing the brunette's eyes to narrow and eyebrows to raise—knowing that there was something up with the defender.

"What do you mean? I'm... I'm being a good friend."

"Then tell me the truth." Veronica practically pleaded, bringing them to a halt as they faced each other.

Ona knew that she couldn't escape this, "I didn't tell you this but... Ale told me to make sure you were okay, she's worried about you."

The brunette hadn't expected that, "Why?"

"Everyone can see something between you and Vilda... We just don't know what." Ona suddenly looked awkward yet determined to find out the truth.

But, Ona knew Veronica inside and out—aware of how stubborn the brunette could be, and knew that it would take a long time until she revealed the truth.

Veronica started to shake her head, cursing as she realised that her teammates were beginning to realise that there was tension between her and their head coach.

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