Chapter Forty-Five

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Thoughts on UWCL draw?
...Personally I feel that Barça have been very lucky, I hope it'll turn out well❤️💙


"Vamos, chicas!" Veronica clapped as the women lined up in the tunnel, stood beside the Costa Rica team who looked confident and strong.

As the new captain, the Castellano athlete led the Spanish team out on to the field, glimmering under the blinding lights of Wellington stadium.

But, nothing could compare to the look in Alexia Putellas' eyes as she stared in to the determined eyes of Veronica's, watching from the bench.

When the world had heard that the Barcelona captain was exiled to the bench, they broke out in to a roar—wishing to see Alexia return after her injury, and play for her country.

Shaking hands with the officials had brought the captain back to life, shook out of her daze as Veronica felt like she was moving through space, watching as the coin was flipped in to the air and Spain would be starting.

"Have a good game, girls." The referee smiled and shook both of the captains' hands, eliciting grins from either woman.

Unknowing to the intense eyes focused in on her, Veronica looked around the pitch and searched through the crowd, waiting impatiently for the whistle to signal the first match for Spain in the World Cup...

...And hopefully not the last.

Veronica was unable to stop her eyes from meeting with Alexia's deep green irises that constantly watched her girlfriend, and she couldn't find the strength to look away.

Regardless of the rumours that circulated around the team, Alexia smiled as she felt the brunette's eyes on her and nodded—because she still loved Veronica, no matter what.

"You ready, captain?" Ona came up behind Veronica with her hand on her shoulder, ensuring that the brunette was fully prepared for the match ahead of them.

The captain looked away from Alexia and towards the smaller defender, causing a fire to light up in the pink-haired woman's eyes.

Alexia couldn't pull her eyes away from Veronica... as well as the hand that grasped her shoulder.

"I'm ready," Veronica nodded with a tight smile, attempting to convince herself as she looked back to her girlfriend—but that smile dropped when realising Alexia was staring at the woman over her shoulder, with a look of... jealousy?

Why was she jealous?

Wasn't Alexia mad at her?

"Just breath, V... We all believe in you," Ona then patted the brunette's shoulder one last time and reverted back to her position in defence.

Unknowing to Veronica, the small defender had been ordered by a specific Putellas to reassure her—as Alexia knew that she wouldn't be able to do it, considering she was on the bench...

Ona shared a look with the woman on the bench, and winked once noticing Alexia's burning cheeks as she replayed the moment of her girlfriend and Ona sharing between each other.

She had no reason to be jealous, but Alexia worried that Veronica would fall out of love, and realise that there was something... someone better.

Both women looked away from each other when the referee blew the whistle, signalling the beginning of the match against Costa Rica.

Veronica felt an adrenaline rush, as the ball rolled to her feet from Jenni, and passed by the competitor in front of her—crossing it in to the box where the striker was waiting.

The brunette gritted her teeth and hoped that she saw the ball hit the back of the net, but groaned when the Costa Rican keeper grabbed hold of it.

"Keep going, chicas!" Veronica reassured her team, falling back when the goalkeeper kicked the ball out of her hands, watching it as it landed at the winger's feet ahead of her.

Number 7.

She didn't recognise the player, but committed to a slide tackle—successfully possessing the ball off of the woman, attempting to pass it towards Aitana, until...

Veronica felt the grass beneath her fingers, grasping the wet floor as she tried to come to terms with what had just happened, turning on to her back and facing upwards to the night sky of Auckland.

Above her stood the number seven, or Melissa Herrera, with a smug grin across her lips as she looked down on the Spanish captain.

"Dirty Spaniard," The Costa Rican practically growled, shoving the brunette in the shoulder again when Veronica rose to her feet, confused by the woman's behaviour.

"That was a clean tackle... Why are—?"

Herrera once again puffed out her chest and approached the brunette with a menacing look in her eyes. The referee, who had noticed the commotion, blew her whistle to stop the play and jogged towards the pair.

Veronica raised both of her hands to show that she hadn't done anything—then her jaw dropped as Herrera fell to the floor cupping her face.

The referee who had just arrived, saw this and raised her a yellow card towards the brunette.

"I didn't even do anything!" Veronica gestured with her hands, pointing towards the number seven on the ground who was dramatically rolling around, while holding her face, "I didn't touch her!"

"One more and it's a red, Castellano." The referee simply warned then kneeled down beside Herrera.

Veronica shook her head in disbelief, searching around her for comfort, for them eyes, for... her.

Despite of the fact Alexia was sat on the bench, she watched from afar as her girlfriend searched for her and could see the stress leave Veronica's face as their eyes met.

Amidst of all the chaos, and the roar of the stadium, the noise became a buzz as they stared at one another. 

"Focus, capitana." Ona muttered as she passed by the brunette, patting her on the back which brought Veronica back to reality and shook out her staring match with the Barcelona captain.

Nodding her head, attempting to motivate herself to continue on—Veronica shut her eyes momentarily, opening them to see that Alexia was still staring with a smile on her face.

"You can do it," The pink-haired woman mouthed, causing a big grin to appear across her face.

Unaware that Vilda had watched the entire interaction between the two women, and he devised a plan in his head.


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