🦴🐾 Settling In🐾🦴

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Once parked, I switch the engine off and slides the keys into my pocket before carefully handling the three pups sitting in the passenger seat which causes me to open my door with a finger and to see that some of the larger dogs had jumped down from the truck bed to explore the outside of their new home. With having my hands full I shut the truck door with a foot right as Bane comes running up to me after getting a few simple looks about causing his sisters to wiggle in my hold so I sit them down next the older dog before walking around the truck to the back, pulling the tail gate down. Crash immediately comes speeding over in excitement and jumps into my unprepared arms before wiggling to be sit down, once his feet touches the ground he instantly blots in surprisingly fast speed to the others and crashes into Vlad causing them to fall to the ground. With a smile and shake of my head at their silliness I turn my attention to Dragen when he grabs Hero by his scruff which causes him to wiggle and whimper in panic when the larger dog jumps down before setting him by my feet, Dragen jumps back up to grab Sun while letting me help the rest down.

"Come on, inside! You can explore later!" I call out to all the dogs that are running around as I let Lady down, unlocking and opening the front door causes a stampede of dogs before I could even get through it myself which I slip off my shoes by the door once in.

"Your room is in here." I pull their attention from sniffing around back to me before leading them down the hall and into the dog bed filled room, some looks around while others immediately claim a bed along with a spot they liked.

"Sun, Lady your beds are in my room." I gently pick the girls up and bring them to my room with Raven running as fast as he can with his small legs after us.

"You can put your beds anywhere you like." I set them down onto the floor to explore the room while I walk to the living room to put the bags onto the dinner table before the dogs rip them open, Crash comes walking in with a toy in his mouth and his eyes lights up at finding me. He speeds over to drop the toy at my feet before giving me a open mouth smile while a foot steps on the toy to make it squeak in the gesture of showing me his prized toy, it's one of the many random toys I had grabbed yesterday that's some type of cookie shaped fish.

"You like that one?" He barks happily while doing a little tiny dance before Dragen comes trotting down the hall, suddenly I remembered about their files which I quickly ran back to the truck to grab and set them onto the dinner table next to the many bags to read through later.

"You can sit up here too if you like." I said to Dragen after letting Crash onto the couch with me when he started whining and clawing at the couch which he quickly sit himself on my lap after sitting down myself while turning the TV on, I mentally thanked myself for buying covers for the furniture a while back as Dragen hop onto the chair. Once I start petting Crash I quickly notice that the fur on top of his head is long enough to hang in front of his eyes and when I glance at Dragen to see he's having the same problem which I make a mental note to do something about it later, soon Bane with his sisters and the two older girls with Raven moves back to the living room. The pups ran over to sit in front of the screen which Bane growls at in warning not to sit to close before sitting beside Dragen, right as I let Sun and Lady onto the couch Hero comes running looking around until he see us sitting on the couch which he whimpers when his plan to jump onto the couch failed cause some of the others to give a dogish laugh but I quickly take pity on him and lift him up.

"Ok, I got collars and harnesses for you guys." I said as I stand up after a few minutes passed when the rest of the pack had migrated into the living room, some fit themselves onto the couch while others lay around on the floor.

"You might not like it but you'll have to get used to it since you can't go out in public without it." I explained while pouring all the contents onto the table before picking up a studded black leather collar.

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