🦴🐾 Communication 🐾🦴

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With a smile I drop the trucks tail gate down for Dragen and Osiris to hop in the back before taking off their leashes and put the newly bought things into the back seat, once that's done I hop into the driver seat and pull the truck onto the road to head to the grocery store where I walk through the sliding doors with both dogs on their leash by my side after parking once again. Tying the leashes to the shopping cart I head down a random aisle putting the necessities in before anything else, immediately dropped some hair ties into the cart when seeing them as I forgot to get some at the pet store. Wanting my dogs to be as healthy as they can be I look through the book I have gotten earlier for treats and kibble toppers/boosters of what they can or can't eat.

"Which ones do you like?" I gestured to the many ice trays on the shelf but they don't move to choose so I just shrub my shoulders and put random ones into the cart, I move onto the market side of the grocery store.

"What do you think the others would like?" I look over many to choose the best which I put into clear plastic bags and into the cart before noticing that Osiris had moved to lay on the  bottom rack of the cart and Dragen strolls around as far as the leash will let him, smelling at different things in the store.

"Come on" Dragen stroll back to my side letting me move onto the meat aisle.

"Pick whatever you want." At this Osiris gets up from his spot to look and smell with Draken at the many meats in the freezer, the two dogs barks at the meats they want which I get three packs of hoping the others also likes them.

"Mommy look doggies" I hear a child voice from an aisle I passed by as I shop a little more before heading to the self-check out and pay for everything, soon I'm wheeling the cart to the truck.

"Some have to in the back with you two." I mumbled to myself as I put things into the back seat again until I can't no more before dropping the tail gate which Osiris and Dragen suddenly grab a bag each from the cart, the two hop into the back of the truck where they drop the bags showing me they're trying to help me put the bags into the truck which I smiled at as we continue until done. The two settle in the back as I put the tail gate back up and take the driver seat, I pull the truck onto the road once again and head back home.

After pulling up at the house and parking, I got out as the two in the back jumped out with a bag in each mouth which made me smile as I grab a couple bags in both hands before walking up to the front door, sitting everything I had in one hand on the porch to unlock the door only to pause after when hearing loud sounds of a fight coming from inside the house. Immediately I drop everything else I'm holding onto the dinning to run towards the source of the fighting with the two others following only to see Bane and Knight fighting, a serious one. Without a care for my well being I quickly jump into the middle of the fight, trying to get the two apart which is difficult until Dragen pulls Knight away by the ruff of his neck and to the other side of the room where Dragen growls at him. I give a sigh of relief once they settle after a minute

"You two, come." I stand from my knees by Bane before grabbing the two fighters by their collars but Knight snapped at me and was close to nicking my hand, immediately Dragen bolt into action to stand over him as he gets onto him with some loud growling causing him to back down and allow me to take ahold of his collar.

"You two are staying here until I figure what happened." I said after leading the two onto the back porch where I tie the two at different ends.

"Knight, we're having a talk later." I said once I  returned to the back porch after putting the groceries and other things away before they ruin, I also figured out that Knight had tear up something while I was gone and Bane got onto him causing them to fight so I untie Bane and let him into the house.

"Come here Bane, I need to see if your wounds need any medical care." I softly called him over to me after sitting on the floor and gestures for him to sit in front of me which he does, I gently and carefully move away his fur from the wound Knight had given him.

"Wait? What's this?"I paused after seeing that some of Banes fur has black root which I continue moving the fur around to figure out what it is, the rest of the roots is a dark lavender which he's two tone like Chiefs.

"Wow! You have the same mark as Dragen but it's covered with your fur, shame we'll have to trimmed you for it to show but I think you won't like that. Anyway your wounds looks good as long as you don't scratch and rub them against things they should heal nicely." I talked to myself unknown that Bane is listening as I scratch behind his ears which makes me laugh when seeing him loving it as his tongue hangs out and one of his legs thump against the floor before frowning when Dragen strolls up to us with a whine from where the rest of the pack is sitting in the living room and gives me a kiss on the cheek which I returned with a small smile.

"Just worried about Knight, it'll take time for him to come around I guess." I scratched behind Dragen's ear before standing up and getting my small sewing box out of the closet before getting the things that Knight ripped up to sit at the dining table to sew them up.

"As part of his punishment these things belong to him now, I'll get more beds and toys when we go back out but for now you'll just sleep in the bed with me." I talked to Bane and Takemitchy as it was their beds that Knight ripped up, once I got everything sewed back up I grip everything and went out to the back porch again.

"Knight, I don't know why you did it but it wasn't nice so I'll have to punish you for it. You'll sleep out here for a week, I fixed up the things you ripped and now these are yours." I spoke as I place the bed down in a corner of the porch with the toys.

"I know you don't like me right now but I hope in the future we can be friends." I set down next to Knight not knowing if he understands what I'm saying before carefully reaching out to him.

"Let see the wounds that Bane left behind." I spoke softly as he lets me touch him and gentle move his fur around to get a look at his wounds.

"Just like Bane it's not too bad, no scratching  or rubbing them against things and it'll heal fine." I give Knight some pat on the head before walking inside letting him back into the house.

"Please no more fighting in this house hold or tearing anything up." I said to the pack before remembering the speaking buttons, trackers, and doggy door bells so I quickly grabbed the bag and box they're all in that I had sit on the kitchen counter.

"Everyone line up! I got trackers to go on the collars!" I sit down on the floor of the living room as the pack takes seats around, Lady comes up first to me which I quickly clip on a small black tracker onto her collar after activating it and it shows up on the tracking app I had download on my phone. The process goes by quickly until all dogs had trackers on them

"Door bells!" I yelled to the others dogs as only Hero followed me and watched as I put doggy door bells on both sides of the front and back door of the house where both large and small dogs can press them which Hero pressed a few times getting the others attention, they watched I piece together the large buttons pad and place it onto the floor.

"Look! You can talk to me now!" I said as I press a button in the pad which immediately let out the word Hero as I press his button, Hero's head turned in curiosity and confusion at hearing the button.

"I. Love. You. Hero" I press each button causing Hero to bark in surprise, immediately Eclipse and Luna runs over to mess with the buttons with Raven following behind slowly.

"No you three it's only for talking and not for playing." I gently remove the three from the pad and place them in my lap to pet on them, Crash press the treat button multiple times.

"Treat? What kind of treat? What. Treat." I asked as I press the what and treat button but he continues to press the treat button which I figured there isn't any button for what he wants to tell me.

"I have no treats right now, Crash." I pet him as I made a note to make the frozen dog treats after letting them out.

"Now, I believe you all have stayed in the house enough for today! Outside. Time." I said before pressing the two buttons on the pad and open the back door which some immediately bolted out.

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