Chapter 7

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Rose was surprised and flattered when she received an invitation to attend the performance at the opera house. Who would have invited her though? Rose smiled when she realized it must have been Fredrick. Wanting to see him again, Rose accepted the invitation. Her aunt knew nothing about her plans so she quietly changed into her nicest dress and slipped outside. Rose rubbed her arms absently as she walked. The night air was cool and she was nervous to be walking alone. The sooner she got there the better... 

The opera house was packed when Rose arrived and she figured Fredrick was probably upstairs. Knowing people were too busy to notice her, Rose boldly went back stage. She stopped though when she heard someone yelling. "We're ruined!" They cried. Ruined!" Rose looked at the man who was making the ruckus. He seemed like the manager or something. The man was still yelling and even throwing his arms up in the air when his eyes landed on Rose. "You. Are you Rosella?" "No, I'm Rose." The man shrugged. "Close enough. Go get changed." "Changed? For what?" "To sing of course!" "But I can't. I'm not prepared. What do I have sing?" This is what happened when I got nervous. I rambled. "Till There Was You" of course! My jaw dropped. "What?" "Someone help her change" the man said, pointing at me. Before anyone could reach me though, I ran away...

 I ran upstairs right into a hard body. I looked up to see Fredrick looking down at me. Fredrick I breathed. He gave something akin to a smile. "Rose. Shouldn't you be downstairs?" "No I-Wait. Do you know what's going on?" Fredrick smiled for real now. "No, no, no. You did not set all this up." "Oh but I did." "What happened to the lead singer of the song?" "She's sick." "And the understudy?" "Sick as well." Fredrick's smile turned sly. "There must be something going around." "Fredrick. I can't sing. You know that." Fredrick's smile instantly disappeared. "Yes you can." "Not in front of all those people!" "You can sing and you will. Please Rose. For me." "Fredrick I-He looked pleadingly at me and I sighed. "I'll try." Fredrick smiled again. "Thank you..." 

Before I knew it, I was changed and standing on the stage. I stared frozen at the audience as the music began to play. "Breathe" I heard a voice say in my head. I did just that and took a deep breath before opening my mouth:

"There were bells on the hill, but I never heard them ringing. No I never heard them at all, till there was you.

There were birds in the sky, but I never saw them winging. No I never saw them at all, till there was you..."

 At the end of the song everyone burst into applause. I smiled and bowed before walking offstage. "Brava!" The manager cried. "Bravissima!" I tipped my head shyly. "Thank you." "Magnificent" he still praised as he walked away. Other people congratulated me as well but there was only one person I wanted to see...

 Fredrick watched and heard Rose sing from the rafters. He knew she was a good singer but tonight she proved she was an amazing singer. He heard her coming up the stairs and he awaited her eagerly. When he saw her though, his eyes grew wide. She was smiling and her face was bright and flushed. Fredrick had never seen anything so beautiful. "Fredrick did you see me?" Rose shook her head. "I can't believe I did that." "I did see you and you were amazing Rose's flush deepened. "Thank you." On impulse Fredrick reached out to stroke her cheek. Rose gasped and looked up at him. "You're beautiful" Fredrick heard himself say. "I-I have to go" Rose said, pulling away. "Rose" Fredrick said, reaching out again. "Goodnight Fredrick. Thank you for everything." Fredrick cursed as he watched Rose leave. He had pushed too far and now she may never come back...

Rose left the opera house feeling happy yet confused. She was happy that Fredrick thought she was beautiful but at the same time, he looked at her like he...loved her. But that couldn't be... Could it? No one had ever loved Rose. Not like that and the potential thought gave Rose feelings of immense joy. She loved Fredrick. Had from the first moment she saw him. The thought that he might love her back made her feel excited and scared. Knowing the best way to deal with these feelings, she began to sing: 

"I hold my breath and close my eyes. I've never felt so alive. With everything I've been through. Every road's been worth the journey here to you. Just as I turn and walk away, the world is lighting up again and everything's illuminating. Tell me I'm not dreaming. Tell me that I'm wide awake. Tell me that this feeling will never go away. Tell me that you're here with me and here with me you'll stay. Give me something to believe in. Tell me I'm not dreaming..." 

Rose finished her song just as she arrived at her house. With one final smile she went inside. 

Meanwhile, Fredrick was looking at the painting he did of Rose and touched it reverently. He wished he could tell her he loved her. At that sudden thought, Fredrick dropped the painting and stood up. Wait. He loved her? How was that possible? He barely knew her. Still, the way his pulse raced when he was around her was clearly a sign he had deep feelings for her. Was it love though? He tried to imagine Rose with anyone other than him and it made him angry. No. She belonged to him. She was his 'angel of music.' Right away Fredrick made plans on how the two of them could be together. He would do anything Rose wanted though as long as he was hers. Fredrick shook his head, marveling at how much he had changed. Needing to express it, he began to sing: 

"Love. Love changes everything. Hands and faces, earth and sky. Love. Love changes everything. How you live and how you die. Love can make the summer fly. All the night seem like a lifetime. Yes love. Love changes everything. Now I tremble at your name. Nothing in the world will ever be the same..." 

When Fredrick finished his song, he knew that loving Rose would be the best thing he ever decided to do.

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