Chapter 8

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Rose woke up feeling completely different. The world looked the same, but to her it seemed brighter. Fuller. Life was good.

 "Good morning Rose" her aunt said as Rose came out to the kitchen. "You look happy this morning." "I feel happy. Very happy." "What's happened?" "Everything" Rose said with a sigh. I see her aunt replied with a knowing smile. 

"Do you mind if I go out after breakfast?" Rose asked. "Of course not. I might go out too." "Oh" Rose said, causing her aunt to laugh. "Don't worry. I won't intrude on your time." "Oh I didn't mean-"It's okay Rose I understand. I was young once. Go have fun." "Thank you Auntie" Rose said, getting up to hug her." "Oh you spoil me too much. Finish your breakfast." "Yes ma'm" Rose said, hungrier than she had ever been. It felt good to be in love.

After breakfast, Rose went outside with one destination in mind: The opera house. She and Frederick had to talk. Rose was shocked though to see Fredrick coming to her. "Fredrick! What are you doing out here? And with all these people around too!?" "You're more important" Fredrick said, reaching out to caress Rose's cheek. Her heart pounded as she looked into his eyes. "Rose I-Fredrick paused as he struggled for what to say. "Shh. It's okay" Rose said. "I already know." "But how?" "Because. I feel the same way." "I'm scared Rose" Fredrick whispered. "Me too but I love you." "I-I love you too." Rose smiled and took Fredrick's hand as they started to walk down the road. Suddenly, Fredrick started to sing: "Love. There's only you in my life. The only thing that's bright." 

Touched at the words, Rose joined in:  "My first love. You're every breath that I take. You're every step I make."

F: "And I"

R: "I..."

F: "I want to share"

Together: "All my love with you"

F: "No one else will do"

R: "And your eyes-"

F: "Your eyes. Your eyes"

T: "They tell me how much you care. Oh yes. You will always endless love..." 

As Rose and Frederick finished the duet, they met back up at the center of the opera stage. Fitting, since this was where it had all began. "Rose. Now that we're together, will you tell me about your past?" Rose tensed, not expecting this. "Please?" Rose sighed. She had to tell him sometime. "Only if you tell me about yours" She bargained. Fredrick gave a small smile. "Deal."

 Rose took a deep breath before starting her story and Fredrick rubbed her hand comfortingly. "I used to live in London with my mother, father, and younger brother Henry. I loved him very much. I know most siblings don't get along with each other but we were really close. He was the sweetest little boy thought. We rarely argued. Anyways, there was a sickness that started going around and no one was worried until people started dying. My mother talked of leaving but my father was sure we were safe. And we were...For a while anyways. As more and more people died, my father realized maybe we should leave. We were just preparing to when...when my mother fell ill. I took to looking after her as father still had to work. A few days later Henry got sick as well. I looked after him too, but he died a few days later. The last image I have of him is cradling his limp body." 

"He died in your arms?" Fredrick asked and Rose nodded. "Oh Rose. I'm so sorry" Fredrick said as he rubbed my arms. Rose nodded and wiped away a few tears before continuing. "Mother died soon after and father got sick as well. He knew he would probably die too, so he sent me to live with my mother's best friend. She lived right next door to us but had somehow not gotten sick. The night she told me father had died, I fell ill. My mother's friend called the doctor right away but he said there was no hope for me. All the people he had met had died a few days after getting sick. Obviously I didn't die though. My aunt (who was my mother's friend) said it was a miracle."

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