Chapter 4

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The next morning Rose awoke before her aunt. She decided to go for a walk before breakfast. She was startled to see a rose lying on the porch. She picked it up confused and was even more confused to see a note sticking to it. 

"Come to the opera house" it read. What did that mean? Rose wondered frowning. She flipped over the note to see if there was anything on the back but there wasn't. "Well I might as well go" Rose decided. "I was going on a walk anyways." She taped the note back to the rose's stem and headed over to the opera house...

 "Why did I write that note?" Fredrick wondered aloud as he paced back in forth in his room. "She probably won't even come. I don't even know if I put it at the right house. Ugh" Fredrick groaned. He quickly left the room to relieve his tension through music. Luckily the opera house was still empty...

Rose reached the opera house and it looked like no one was around. She tried the door and it surprisingly opened. Looking around to make sure she wasn't being watched, Rose slipped inside. She could immediately hear the low notes of a piano. 

She went inside the theatre and was surprised to see the masked man from yesterday playing on the piano. Not wanting to disturb him, Rose carefully and quietly made her way closer to the stage... 

Fredrick was completely lost in the slow, melodious melody he was playing. He thought when he sat down he would play a loud virtuous song, but instead a quiet tune came out. Fredrick was startled to hear clapping when he finished. 

He sharply turned his head to see Rose standing a few feet away. He breathed a sigh of relief. It was only her. "Sorry. Did I startle you?" I asked. "Kind of yes. " "I'm sorry. I tried to be quiet, but your song deserved some kind of praise." 

"Why are you here?" Fredrick asked (even though he already knew.) "Um, someone sent me a note to come." "They did?" Fredrick asked trying to sound nonchalant. "Yes. Do you know who it was?" I asked not buying his fake innocence. "No idea" Fredrick said appearing to fight a smile. 

"Hmm" I said, pretending to think. "Maybe it was the legendary phantom of the opera." "Maybe" Fredrick said but his light tone was gone. "Or maybe it was you" I said fully looking at him. Fredrick wanted to deny it but no words came out. 

"Well?" I pressed. "Fine I sent it." "I knew it" I said with a bright smile. "Why are you so happy about that?" Fredrick asked looking at me carefully. I shrugged. I'm just glad no one stalked me." "But I stalked you" Fredrick said looking confused. 

"I followed you home the day we met. How do you think I knew where you lived?" "Oh. Good point" I said, my eyes widening in realization. "Are you afraid of me?" Frederick asked softly. "No." Fredrick frowned. "Why not? "I don't know. I just trust you." 

"Don't" Fredrick said shaking his head. "I'll just hurt you." "I don't believe that" I said as I walked up to the stage. I could see Fredrick tense but I walked past him and sat down at the piano. 

"I feel these four walls closing in. My face up against the glass. I'm looking out, hmm. Is this my life I'm wondering. It happened so fast, how do I turn this thing around? Is this the bed I chose to make? It's greener pastures I'm thinking about, hmm. Wide open spaces far away... 

All I want is the wind in my hair to face the fear but not feel scared. Wild horses I wanna be like you. Throwing caution to the wind I'll run free too. Wish I could recklessly love, like I'm longing to. I wanna run with the wild horses, run with the wild horses oh..." 

"Wow. That was beautiful" Fredrick said when I finished. I blushed. "Thank you."  "You have an amazing voice. Who taught you?" "No one really. My grandmother was an opera singer, so I guess I learned from her even though she didn't' formally teach me." "Who was your grandmother?" Fredrick asked with a frown. 

"Christine. Christine Daee." Fredrick's eyes widened. "I know. She was pretty famous her apparently." "Did she die?" Fredrick asked after a minute. "Yes. Everyone did" I said quietly. Fredrick looked at me, his eyes questioning. 

I took a quick step back. "Never mind. "What's wrong Rose? Who died?" "I don't want to talk about it" I said as tears filled my eyes. "Rose" Fredrick said gently. "I have to go" I said, running away like the coward I tried hard not to be. Fredrick called my name but I ignored him. I had to go home. If only it was my real home...

Fredrick cursed himself for driving Rose away. Heaven knows he had enough secrets. Why did he want Rose to reveal hers? Fredrick didn't know, but he knew he didn't want to see Rose cry ever again... 

"Rose. There you are. I was worried" my aunt said greeting me at the door. "Sorry. I woke up early and decided to go for a walk." "Are you okay?" My aunt asked noticing my puffy eyes. "Yes it's the pollen. It flares up my allergies." 

"I see. Well come inside and get some breakfast." I did as she said but couldn't help glance behind me. Fredrick hadn't followed me and I couldn't say I was surprised. His place was at the opera house and mine was here. It was simple as that.

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