Chapter 2

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The next day after settling in, Rose was itching to get out and see Paris. One place in particular. "Auntie, may we go see the Paris Opera House?" Rose asked after breakfast. "Yes dear we may go." "Really?" Rose said surprised by the immediate yes. "Well I know if we don't go now, I'll never hear the end of it." 

Rose blushed but her aunt was right. Rose had waited her whole life to come to Paris and see the famous opera house. She wished she could see it with the rest of her family (especially her grandmother), but at least she had her aunt. 

"Alright dear, are you ready to go?" Rose's aunt asked after clearing the dishes. "Yes. I can't wait!" Rose's aunt smiled at her enthusiasm and they started to make their way to the Palais Garnier (or the Paris Opera House as everyone called it). 

People stared at Rose and her aunt as they walked down the streets of Paris, but it was mostly Rose they were staring at. They are probably wondering why we are walking Rose thought. People with our status usually have a carriage. Rose's aunt, however, didn't own a carriage and thought walking would do Rose good as long as she didn't do too much. Rose thought so too and was glad her aunt agreed as she loved being outside. 

"Well, here we are" Rose's aunt said stopping in front of the biggest building Rose had ever seen. Rose gasped as she tilted her head up to look at the top of it. "Auntie, it's beautiful!" "Well mind you it's been through a few renovations since your grandmother's time. The most extensive one was after the big fire." 

Right the fire Rose thought remembering her grandmother briefly talking about it. "What happened again?" "Well, someone cut the big chandelier from the ceiling and it crashed to the floor and caught on fire." "Who did it?" "They say it was someone known as the 'Phantom of the Opera.' Poppycock if you ask me." 

That's right. The Phantom. Everyone seemed to know who the Phantom was, even people outside of Paris. Rose's grandmother never seemed to like when he was brought up. Rose never knew why, but maybe it was because she didn't believe in him either. 

"Can I go inside? Rose asked." "Yes. They leave it open and if anyone gives you trouble, just tell them who your grandmother was. They should leave you alone then." Rose nodded and bravely headed towards the door. No one was around so she ducked inside. 

The place seemed empty but lights were on. "Hello?" Rose asked but no one answered. Rose took a few steps forward and looked around. "Hello?" She asked again (still no answer). Deciding she was all alone, Rose headed into the auditorium.

 It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. Rose looked up to see there was no chandelier. I guess they learned their lesson she thought. Rose decided to walk on the empty stage (minus a grand piano) and immediately thought of her grandmother doing the same. 

She could picture people in the audience standing on their feet and cheering. Not just for her grandmother, but for her. Still feeling brave, Rose opened her mouth and started to sing:

"Midnight. Not a sound from the pavement. Has the moon lost her memory? She is smiling alone. In the lamp light the withered leaves collect at my feet. And the wind begins to moan...." 

When Rose finished, she was exhausted but happy. Singing took a lot of energy, but it was worth it in the end. Suddenly, Rose thought she heard something. She quickly turned around, but all she saw was the grand piano. Still, Rose felt like she was being watched. 

"Hello?" She asked but it came out just above a whisper. No one replied and Rose felt silly for thinking someone was there. Shaking her head, Rose left the stage to go meet her aunt. Little did she know someone was indeed watching her...

"What did you think dear?" Rose's aunt asked when she came out. "It was very lovely. I can see why Grandmother said it was her favorite place to sing, even if it has changed." Rose's aunt nodded in agreement. "Let's go home and get some lunch." Rose put her arm though her aunt's and they slowly made their way back home. 

That night, Rose had a strange dream. Someone was singing and calling out to her. Rose tried to answer but couldn't. She tossed and turned trying to wake up, but couldn't until the singing faded away. When she did finally awake, Rose sat up and gasped. her heart beating fast. She tried to calm down but couldn't. 

"Auntie!" She cried, struggling to breathe. Her aunt rushed to her room immediately after hearing her distress. "Rose dear. What's wrong?" "I-I" Rose tried to say. "Shh. Calm down. Don't get excited" Rose's aunt said, rubbing her back. 

Rose concentrated on keeping her breathing steady and finally her heart slowed down and she could breathe normally again. "What happened?" Her aunt asked. "Why did you get so excited?" "I had this dram and-Rose paused not sure how exactly to describe it. 

"Um..." "It's okay. Just try to relax and go back to sleep." "Okay. Thank you Auntie." "Goodnight dear." Once she left, Rose rolled over and eventually fell back to sleep.

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