It was cold on the farm. All the Nephilim were awake and working. Lilith the succubus had created them after her home world was destroyed by themselves. The demons had taken a chance and sent her to the creators home world to learn their powers of creation but by the time she got back everyone she knew was taken by the corruption or starved by a lack of food. So using her natural powers of teleportation she moved to what would be the Home world of the Nephilim that would be known as Embria.
But now it wasn't an entire civilization that was starving, it was Calum and his family that was starving, and he had to get help. He had to speak to the queen. Doubt touched him, he was only sixteen, However he was told stories by his mother great stories about giant's and leviathans that his father had slain in order to keep the peace of the queens kingdom. He was a descendant of the first born Nephilim and so he had to try. Or his mother would die!
Walking into the small hut which he called home he began to gather supplies. It was at least half a day's walk to the queen's castle so he gathered food and the hammer he had made by himself when he was little. It was a war hammer with a flat piece for hitting and a sharpened curve at the other end, it was completely made of stone. This had then been attached to a sturdy stick which he had used as a club. He got some water and poured a cup for his mother which he left on the ground next to where she slept and wrote a note.
"Dear mum.
I'm leaving now, gonna see whether I can talk to the queen and get us some help as we are starving right now. If I come back it will either be with help or with nothing. Gonna take a couple of days so I won't be back on the farm for a while. See you around mum.
Son Calum."
He walked out the small hut and turned to look back at it, Knowing that this might be the last time that he sees the Little place in the world that he and his mother called their own. Then turning back he continued to the little dirt road that they had created to easily move around on and left the Nephilim village.

Rescuing Amikin: Tales of Embria
NouvellesAs Famine strikes the east of Embria, young Nephilim Calum makes his way to the queens castle for help where he finds a truth, he is a god, and not just any god he is... the red eye.