Arkius and Calum walked through the jungle outside of the palace. It was green and the leaves were fluttering in the wind. Calum rarely went in the jungle and it amazed him still. He rode on Arkius's back like you would a centaur. He was huge and took up the entire path but he moved at speed. Then in the corner of his eye he saw a purple flash. He called Arkius to a stop and got off. Taking Arkius to a safe place by the river he saw that it was his place he put camp up five days ago. Leaving Arkius there he took his battle hammer from his back and held it in two hands. Stepping forward he heard rustling from the trees above.
Hearing the trouble above him he rolled to the side and stood to see a body lying on the floor. It was Nephilim. He immediately ran to the body and knelt by it. The nephilim was wounded by an arrow in his side of his leg. Grabbing the Nephilim under the armpits he dragged the unconscious body to lean against Arkius.
"Look after him, yeah?" Calum said with a smile on his face. Arkius picked up a stick and moved it in the dirt. The letters "Ok" appeared.
Calum walked back out hoping to find the attackers. Sure enough there they were a wild pack of centaur. He spotted the one with the bow and arrows. The quiver around his shoulder.
"How dare they attack a fellow nephilim!" Calum was furious. He knew they were stronger than him and their four legs shook the ground. Their ears pointed to the sky. They ran past. He was prepared to let them go and walk to treat the wounded nephilim. Then suddenly one of them shouted
"Over here, there's another one!"
Calum turned to meet his first opponent. It was the biggest of the centaurs and wielded a sword that he raised above his head. The centaurs' bold white head scared him but that encouraged him to raise his hammer to block the blow. Then he rolled to the side and arched his hammer to smack the horse man in the front left leg. However it raised its leg and bellowed a battle cry. Bringing the hammer round after the miss he aimed for the right leg as they were still in the air.
"Smack!" he hit the centaur.
It screamed and reared on his rear legs. Then brought his front legs to bear down on Calum. But there was a loud cry from behind. It was over
"one is coming behind me. It's over." he thought. But he was wrong. The centaur stopped his relentless attack. Out of nowhere a purple figure appeared. It couldn't be the wounded nephilim could it? The centaur fell, the figure on top of him. It was his chance he raised his hammer and with the spiked end he rammed it into the face of his opponent. Red blood splattered his face. The rest of them scattered as the wounded nephilim rushed the rest smacking the bowmen in the mid lower body and finishing him off.
Dragging the body behind him the new character said
"Hello my name is Karn." "turning his head from the dead body in front of him He looked at the gruff face in front of him.
"Hello Karn my name is Calum, why are you so close to the queen's palace?" Karn looked at him with a puzzled expression.
"You do not know who I am?"
"Should I?" Karns face calmed down now, he was young, maybe the same age as Calum.
"I was recently appointed chief of my clan." Karn said standing tall. Then slumped again.
"To be real with you Calum, I came here for the queen's help, something is causing landslides. Our land is being desecrated and multiple monasteries have been destroyed."Karns face filled with sadness.
"My father, the original clan chief, was killed by the landslides. Killed under a pile of rocks and not in a glorious battle with a hammer in hand. He will never reach Ethirium now." tears welled in his eyes.
Calum understood that Karn was part of the ancient ones. Masters of the battle hammer. Suddenly Karn slumped to the ground. His leg was still bleeding. Calum ran to his side to carry him back to Arkius. Putting one arm round Calums shoulder they stumbled back to the camp.

Rescuing Amikin: Tales of Embria
Cerita PendekAs Famine strikes the east of Embria, young Nephilim Calum makes his way to the queens castle for help where he finds a truth, he is a god, and not just any god he is... the red eye.