Strange Figure (1)

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It was a normal school day, or so I thought. The bell had just rung, so I ran to my locker. The code was the same every day. 04774. I went over to the bus stop, but at the corner of my eye I saw someone looking at me. But before I could get a good look at them, they ran away. "That was weird." I told myself. I got on the bus and went home listening to Taylor Swift.


My alarm went off at 7:00 in the morning. I am very excited for today, because I'm going to see Isa!! They are my FAVORITE person in the whole world!!!!!!I change into my uniform and throw a piece of burned toast in my mouth before dashing out of the door onto my bike. With every pedal, my heartbeat got faster and faster. I noticed I was riding faster too. Just thinking about Isa made my stomach run around in circles like a toy train, just circle after circle.
I quickly arrived to my- our school. East Bridge High School. Every day is the same. I run to my locker and grab my stuff for class, stare at Isa until we have to go to class, stare at Isa during lunch, bump into an open locker after lunch, go to more classes until the day is over, and sometimes stare at Isa even more until they go to the bus. Bus 1 is their bus, I know this because I have their house address, their entire schedule memorized, and I listen to every conversation Isa is in. That might sound creepy, but it's just true love. I think we were really meant to be!!!!

Shoku x Isa  (stole from august but continuing it!)Where stories live. Discover now