Fun at the Fair (3)

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"I told them to meet me here." I said to myself. It's Saturday, I called my friends a week in advance just because I was so excited. Suddenly, I saw Earth. "HIl EARTH!!" I shouted. "HI BESTIEE" Earth shouted back. We ran and hugged each other. "It feels like I haven't seen you in forever!" I said sarcastically. "Aww you missed me that much? It's only been a day!" Earth replied jokingly. "I told everyone to meet here at this exact time, and they aren't here yet! Can you believe this?" I complained. "Not everyone is going to be here exactly on time!" Earth laughed. "I know but I'm an impatient personn." I groaned. "They are taking foreverrrrrrrr!!" "It's only 3:20, you told everyone to be here by 3:15. And the fair IS pretty far from where we live." Earth said. They're such a NOOB. "Well, I'm sorry for having StAnDaRdS!!" I joked. "Maybe you should lower them" Earth said. We talked for a while and slowly, everyone started to show up. I, of course yelled at them for being late.
But they didn't care. "Wanna go on those swinging chairs first?" Milo asked, pointing at them. "Sure." I said. "00000000!! I'm scared of heights!" Night complained. "Stop being a baby." Earth said, and dragged them to the ride.
Everyone got on and we started going up. Night was fighting back tears.
"DEEZ NUTZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!" Marz yelled. "DON'T SAY THAT!" Earth lectured them. "COCK AND BALL TORTUREE!!" August screamed. "This is why we're friends." Marz proudly said. August agreed. I started playing Project Sekai, and bullied all of my friends because they didn't have Japanese servers. Except for August, they somehow got it.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" A random kid screamed. "SHUT UP!!" Everyone complained, but Night was the loudest.
"NO. YOUR NOT THE BOSSES OF ME!" The kid childishly whined. "KILL YOURSELF. BOZO. PLUS RATIO. PLUS I HAVE YOUR IP ADDRESS." Night and August yelled. We all decided to ignore them and enjoy the ride. I was enjoying the high view. I took a few pictures, but then I saw the same person from school in one of them. The sight sent shivers down my spine, but I tried to ignore it so I wouldn't ruin the fun mood. After the swinging chairs, we went on a Ferris Wheel, a few roller coasters, and more things that I cant remember. "I should go, its almost 10:00." August said. "My mom will ground me FOR LIFE if I don't go home by 10:30." I laughed then everyone joined in.

Shoku x Isa  (stole from august but continuing it!)Where stories live. Discover now