Overheard Conversation (5)

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"Marz is so cool," I thought to myself. I can't believe they actually wanted to be my friend. Honestly, I'm just an emo loser. We were talking about random shit, when I saw the love of my life standing in the hallway... talking about me? I pulled Marz behind a corner and we listened to their conversation.
"The kid that was in my locker is so fucking weird. They looked like they were head over heels for me, what a loser." Isa said.
I felt my heart break into a million pieces.
"I think they're stalking you." Earth said.
"That's honestly pathetic. They think they can earn my love just by stalking me? What a joke. I'm probably gonna get a restraining order against them." Isa said.
"You don't have to go THAT far.. maybe just tell them to piss off and if they don't, I'll get the police involved." Night said. Everyone agreed with them.
I ran away, tears running down my cheeks. I could hear Marz running after me, but I wanted to be alone.
"Leave me alone!" I yelled. Marz stopped, finally. They turned around and went to Isa's group. What a traitor, just when I thought I had a real friend. Out of breath, I stopped and sat down against a wall. I allowed myself to cry, muffling the sound with the sleeve of my shirt.
Once I calmed down, I decided I wanted to get revenge. Not on Marz, on Night.
They think they're so smart, saying they'll get the police involved? I'll fucking show them. Isa is MINE, and I'm not letting anyone get between us.

Shoku x Isa  (stole from august but continuing it!)Where stories live. Discover now