New friend?... (4)

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"Marissa is such a noob." I told myself while walking to my locker. I wonder if Earth got my gulp gulp message... I started walking to class, but then I bumped into a SHORT ASS EMO BOY WITH THE EMOIST CLOTHES AND BLACK HAIR. EW. "Sorry." I managed to say. This kid looks like a gay. I HATE gays. /j Of course, I'm gay as fuck. FOR YOUR MOMMM!!!! "Watch where you're going tall ass." The short kid said. "Kill yourself" I said and picked up the short kid.
"What's your name, before I slam you inside a locker?" I said with an evil grin.
"Shoku. Put me down you freak. Your hairline is worse than a baby's asshole." I got mad, so of course I slammed "Shoku" into a locker. 'YOUR MOM'S HAIRLINE IS WORSE THAN A BABY'S ASS!!" I laughed, then ran away and went to class.


It's been hours, I'm starting to lose hope. Is anyone going to get me out of this locker? Suddenly, I heard footsteps. I hoped it was Isa coming to save me, like a knight in shining armor coming to save his princess. To my surprise, it WAS Isa! Once I saw them, my heart started to beat super-fast. Isa noticed and looked weirded out. "Get the fuck out of my locker you emo creep!" They spoke. My smile immediately turned into a frown. "Sorry." I spoke. "Someone shoved me in here." I walked out of their locker and ran to the bathroom in embarrassment. I can't believe that happened. Tears started to roll down my cheeks, but this time I didn't try to stop them. I often cried in my room at night, because I know deep down Isa will never like me the way ! like them. I locked myself in a stall and poured my heart out, with my head buried in my arms as a weak attempt to muffle the sounds of crying. I heard footsteps, but I tried to ignore them.


I walked into the bathroom to hear muffled crying. I tried to ignore it, but it was too loud. Whoever was crying was doing a horrible job at being quiet.
"SHUT UP!" I jokingly yelled. The crying turned into a fucking wail. So annoying. "IM SORRY." I yelled. I got closer to the stall the person was in and gently knocked on the door. "Go away." The kid quietly said. "No." I replied.
"Could you tell me why you are crying?" I asked. The person took a bit to answer. "I have a crush on someone, but they probably think I'm weird now.
They'll never like me back now..." They managed to choke out. "I don't have any friends, and nobody likes me. Everyone calls me an emo freak." I was surprised for a moment; I didn't know what to say. After a moment of silence, I replied. "I'm sorry to hear that. If you want, I could be your friend..?" The crying stopped. "Really...?" They asked. "Sure!" I happily replied. The person opened the door and gave me a tight hug. I hugged them back. "I'm Shoku, what's your name?" They asked, while wiping the remainder of their tears.
"I'm Marz." I quickly replied. Shoku cleaned their face with water. Then, we walked out of the bathroom together while talking about random things like video games. Our loud laughter echoed across the halls.

Shoku x Isa  (stole from august but continuing it!)Where stories live. Discover now