Roof x Marissa (8)

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Shoku is currently walking down an alleyway, he had an idea. Ever since Marissa suspected him for the murder-suicide of Marz and Night, he needs to get rid of her.

"How am I gonna even do it?" He thought about it in his head. It's been MONTHS since Marz and Night's deaths. It's perfect to strike now.

Shoku walked into the school, heading towards his locker now. He then sneakily stared at Isa who's talking to Ren, slowly getting jealous.

He looked angry, but he quickly hid it. He just walked away.

Shoku then got an idea, knowing on how to get rid of Marissa. "That will be perfect!" Shoku thought, grinning at the idea.

Shoku then walked past Marissa, but he got greeted a disgusted face from her which surely pissed him off. He rolled his eyes as he walked away.

Shoku then found a paper to write in, he took a pen. He took time to write it in another handwriting he has.

He wrote; "Listen, I get why you suspect Shoku of Marz and Night. He is really weird and a bit obsessive. Meet me at the rooftop at 1:35 pm."

Shoku quickly sneak this note into Marissa's locker. He patiently waits for Marissa to go to her locker, and she did. Shoku grinned, evilly. He then went away to go to his class to pass the time.

Shoku arrived at the class pretty early, he sneakily took Marissa's handwork to copy her handwriting for something he's planning. He went to his seat, which is in the back, to act normal.

Now the teaching has begin.

Shoku then put Marissa's handwork on the left side of the table, and he has an empty small square shaped paper on the right side of the table.

He copied Marissa's handwriting to write something on the empty paper. He pretended he is taking notes on the lesson, when he's not.

When he's done writing the note. Shoku stared at Isa while the teacher is teaching some math problems on the broad. He even made doodles of himself and Isa on the math paper that his teacher passed out to everybody.

Shoku is smiling at the doodles he made, clearly getting distracted.

The bell ring loudly which snap Shoku out of his fantasies. Shoku then pack his belongings into his Spiderman themed backpack.

He then put on his backpack, walking out of the classroom. Shoku then noticed Isa left something, a perfect moment to actually talk to them.

"Isa!" Shoku called out, which made Isa stopped. "Listen, uh.. you dropped something." Shoku said as he reached out his hand that has the item Isa dropped.

"Oh.. uh.. thank you?" Isa said, but sounded like a question?

Shoku did a small smile, but stopped smiling immediately. "See you." Shoku said as he walked away. He's improving his control of his obsession over Isa.

He then looked at the clock. 1:25 pm! Shit! He gotta go! Shoku then hurried over to rooftop. He waited until for Marissa arrive at the rooftop.


Marissa walked over to the railing, resting her arms on the railing. She then looked down as she looked a bit uncomfortable since she's so high up.

Shoku sneakily walked up to Marissa, being careful on being quiet to not alert Marissa. Shoku smiled at the thought of Marissa being dead.

Shoku then noticed Marissa backed up from the railing.

Shoku came up close to her, leading to him push Marissa close to the railing. "Huh!?" Marissa said as she's in a state of shock.

Shoku then grinned as he fully pushed Marissa, followed by screams from her. Shoku then laughed to make fun of her.

The last thing Marissa seen before her death.. is just Shoku hovering over the railing, laughing at her. Shoku heard a loud thud sound, meaning that Marissa dead.

Shoku walked away, smiling. Shoku then went to the lunch room as he ate food to look.. convincing that he was there the entire time if they ever find the body.

A huge panic came around in the school when lunch is over. Seems like they found the body? The teachers rushed the students to call their parents to go home early.

The teachers did not let anyone to know what is going on, but some of the students know what it is going on.

Shoku put up an act that he's extremely worried and concerned about what is happening. Shoku walked back home. He is on his phone, clearly looking at pictures that he has of Isa which he taken weeks ago.

He smiled at Isa's pictures.

"Isa... i just cant wait to get rid of them so we can be together."

"We will be together."

Shoku x Isa  (stole from august but continuing it!)Where stories live. Discover now