chapter 5

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When we got to Ansley's house, her parents were not home. She said they didn't come back until 3:00 am. I shuddered at the thought of staying up that late. For dinner we ordered delivery Chinese food. I got rice and shrimp and Ans got duck soup with orange-broccoli custard balls. "what's your fortune?" Ansley asked after our meal.
"change is good, don't force it. let it happen."
" mine is:" your life is wholesome and good, you are wholesome and good."
"there more like compliments than advice, dumb advice but advice but advice none the less." I giggled at this.

A couple hours later I was curled up on the futon reading Ansley's Teen Vouge magazine while she was showering. My wet hair, although wrapped up in a towel, was dripping onto the pages. a droplet fell write on a little snippet on attracting boys' attention. "Be quirky, Kind, and Cool! Boys like the non-plastic girls, so don't be one!" This advice was better than the fortune cookies but not great. I better ask Ans more about the topic.

"Come on Ash, just call him." Ansley was trying to get me to call Jason. The guy who I had been crushing on since day one. Although I have known him since preschool, I'm not sure he knows me. I laughed to myself thinking about how the Fortune cookie and the magazine helped more than Ans pressuring me to call Jason.

"He might be asleep,"

"Ash, are you kidding me? It's Saturday night. He's probably out at a Party!" After
explaining to her that he doesn't know me, she said he would call him. She said they got to know each other a little bit on Friday and she has his number.
After a couple rings Jason picked up. She put him on speaker.

"Uh Hey Ansley. I can't talk right now, I'm at Davidsons party. You can come but I've gotta go." And that is how I ended up at a Seniors party. Yes, me. Former school Nerd freshman. At a seniors party.

----------------------------------___AUthors NOte__------------------------------------------
sooooo...... it's been awhile. I didn't know if I should go on with the story, but then a lot of people said to keep going. so that's what I'm doing. I realized I needed to create more dialog and other stuff to make the chapters longer. I'm trying to do that but I'm new so expect them to get longer as the story goes on. I hope your liking it! xoxo

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