𝟔. 𝐀𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞

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Yesterday we four were chit chatting till 2 o clock he was talking so carefree like no one cares he definitely have two sides, he just need to get comfortable around the people and that's it.

Later at night l was craving for ice cream l responded myself for eating icecream if they are Intrested to taste it they can join the ice cream treats

Ahmedabad,Ahmedabad station is also famous for vadilal ice cream we four jumped off the train when Ahmedabad came,there was a small stall we went we started eating ice cream l had 4 times than ice cream as compared to them l am in love with ice cream, advik warned me to not to eat many ice cream which will result in getting ill as if l am going to listen to him l gave him a sheepish smile while having another scoop of ice cream


My eyes got shimmered open as the soft breeze hitted my face as I was about to toss the another side but again the soft breeze hit me ,which made me shiver down my spines, l snugged more into my blanket my lap was feeling heavy cause of this l wasn't able to make my legs

If was hard to open the eyes as we slept late, my orbs were shocked open like frogs hell wayy, unknowing then my left hand reached my mouth cupping it l rubbed my eyes twice thrice first l thought l am in dreams this can't happen

My heart went thumb for a second abit
As Advik was sleeping on my lap he was in the deep sleep and my right hand was tied in his rusky hair He was sleeping so quietly like a cute puppy his face was as calm as ocean his black holes under his eyes were promptly visible he was having a mole behind his ears the soft breezes of cold air was making the rhythm of his hairs ,his beard and moustache were good in shave his perfect jaw couldn't miss, it was exactly shows in the movie everything was perfect with him

Am I have fallen for him?
These question drags me again and again

After he wakes up then all the blanter of his ego and arrogancy throws out

Till then he turned to other side taking my hand in his hand pulling my hand near his head this was making my hair strands still..

His hands feels so warm tangled in my hands, my stomach is groaning at every other second just looking at him

When l woke up it was already 8 o clock...advik was no were seen aashish wished me morning I wished him back and then went to freshen up, after coming back advik was no were ,in a good concern l asked aashish

"Ashish were is advik since l woke up he is no were seen" l said drinking water from bottle

"Ashish were is advik since l woke up he is no were seen" l said drinking water from bottle

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They were sleeping like this

"He had an emergency call from his office ordering himself to present there so he went" said aashish

I gave him a thumps up

So rude of him he even didn't care to say bye or wake me up why would he!

Do you care?
Yes l do!, why won't I, he is my friend
Namesake friend? Whom you flirt

We already had our breakfast l was drooving my instagram nevertheless to pass my time

We were going to scramble off the train at Bhuj.. after that l would pickup a taxi reaching home..surprising them l had a big grin thinking about this



YESTERDAY'S night was the most serene beautiful night till my 24 years
We four were talking taking all changes in the talk we four were comfortable taking to each..other advantika was smiling her out, when l saw her curked lips and giggled it eccoed in my ears with an soothing expression passing through my heart~did l fall for her?

but when she argues no one can listen up she is something

I need to tell she had a one million dollar smile anybody can smile looking at her ,her corner of the lips curled up making her lips flat her upper teeth were visible while laughing her hair stands was lining up her face making her to tuck behind her ears soon she demanded having an ice cream making an puppy face looking at three of us they both said yes, while l was adamant to not eat because it was already 12 or 1 at night if she ate now for damn sure she will get ill tomorrow

I don't know how someone can make me agree if once l am adamant of anything no one dares to make me agree but she did but l am not able to find out myself how could l agree..l guess she has some powers over me to make me agree

We went down ate ice cream everyone had only 2 scoops of ice cream
While she had 8 scoops of icecream

"Advantika, tamne sardi thae jase so better hai not to eat more ice cream.." l said her in my calmed yet firm tone

(Advantika...you will get cold)

As if she is going to listen she gave me a sheepish smile,how adamant she is,

**But cute as well** my inner voice spoke

If was nearly 6.30 or 7.30 l woke up, normally l don't sleep so deep but today l slept so carefree like l don't give a f*ck to anybody...just me and my sleep cares but here was a very serene,view as lifted my head.

l was sleeping on the lap of advi l don't the hell how l slept here on her lap but l know who can do this..none other then my dearest friend aashish,ignoring that fact l as admiring the beauty of her which was more beautiful than any sunset or sunrise the breeze was hitting her face making her hair stands fall on her eyes l slowly tucked the hair behind her eyes...her skin was so clear l need to ask her about her skincare

In my lower a object vibrated taking out the cell my mood was soon ruined by my office call l was angry at that first he made my beautiful scene blure but the call was so important, I had an urgent meeting!

I thought to wake her up but my hand stop at her arms as l thought she isn't mine why to wake her up, why she would take concern over me?
Still she was in her deep slummer if l would have waken her up she would think l am needy or attracted towards her but nahhh l am not so better let her enjoy her deep slummer

But l wanted to hear her voice- idk when we will meet again

I told ashish everything and had also asked him to drive off advi at home safely he gave me teasing look in return

Whatever I said him just becoz l won't regret it,that's it.

Hope so but you will!

I scramble off the train taking my private copper l reached office at time




Flw mere._vichar_on insta

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