𝟕. 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐥.

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I had reach the office on time before meeting l need to meet my dad

Knock knock**
Come in**

"Yes dad,you called any emergency " I asked dad

"You need to get this meeting okay and it will benefit both the companies"dad said firmly

Dad and l are at good terms, but l don't talk to dad like often like other kids have Bond with their dad, cause l was in hostel, l love him but still--

I nodded in response because work come first. Also office is isn't a place to show emotions so better be strict rude and ruthless

The meeting was at 5 in the evening it was only 2 so l went to my office ordering my assistant to bring some imp files before going to meet them l need to check out the background

While the company had very clear reports I was being impressed by the company. They had good amount of stocks they were at the market change the company buissnes was going cool all over India

I didn't realize the time was up l went in the conference room before 25 min
Everything was settle up soon the ceos of the other Company would approach at any moment

Soon they were on time we started our meeting though our handshakes l asked them to have the seat the meeting was about a new product which was going to launch the packaging of the product was highly addictive the one needs to buy that product Everything was mention while designing the product everything was going in the flow



The conference room door was hastily open making everyone flinched before yelling at him he gave a newss

"S--ir...sir,..in the train you arrived in which yo-ur 3 friend--s were traveling..met with an acci--dent "he was sluttering while saying this his breathwas so heavied his chest was doing ups and down

But advik was devasted at that moment he felt like the floor slept before him he wasn't able to Control himself he backed off istening to this news he girl which was smiling in the morning is now bleeding with tons of blood flowing his dearest friend his childhood buddy is also..on the death bed he was fellimg numb for a second

soon he felt his cheeks rolling down with water which was flowing through his eyes he was also not aware of this, he never cried but this time the tears rolled unknowingly

Everybody was shocked seeing this the coldest boss of the company was crying..he was feeling a different type of havoc inside him, he didn't know how to react with this situation.

"N--o ..no..wayy..this ca-n't ha--ppen...tell me..this is not t--rue can't believe this fact she lef--t me and also he l-eft me..too" his voice turn out to be slow and broken he never used to weak in these things like this he has saw more than this but he was never devasted, the stress of to losse someone deary was covered through his heart. Some feelings started grumbling his appetite making him nervous 10fold

"Sorry sir,this meeting needs to get cancel" after saying this he left his cabin taking car keys, laid his hand on the chair grabbing hus coat with me

As fast he could, he was driving recklessly he was not afraid of this speed limit, he was afraid of losing someone again,lossing a friend a partner once again,his heart started beating again as it used his brain was filled with tons of question why he left them he would have come with them,this wouldn't had Happen many other thoughts were colliding in his brain making him flinch on the staring, he took the car on the 2rd gair accerating the car on 120 speed

He together up himself he reached the hospital he wasn't looking like an ceo of the company not any brand ambassador but a normal man who is scared of losing someone who is close to his heart--his tie was loosely lying his first two button of shirt were open his proper gel hair had become messed

He crashed the receptionist and asked with detiorated health, the breath of his was consuming all his voice sudden
"Any train accident has happen recently"he asked with his hand swetting badly

"Yes in the room 202,but sir whom you want to meet" asked the receptionist

"Miss advantika patel" said advik in his rushed tone not knowing the correct foramt

"Sorry sir..we don't have any lady registering advantika patel in the train accident " said receptionist
But we have."miss Advantika Bhavani as a lady in the train accident "

"Yes she's the one...which room" said advik with heaviness on his voice

"Room no.202 sir" receptionist said

He rushed to the room,there she was lying on the bed restlessly bottles of glucose was sipping through her veins,her head was bleeding mercilessly he was scared of losing his closed one again he skidded down the wall sitting down at the floor, later he went to check other room of his friends room, he was under operation and same as surbhi

The Dr came out from advi's room..advik rushed towards the Dr
"Dr.. what has happened to her,Dr. Is she okay...everything is fine..na"said advik being scared holding doctors hand, with restlessness to lose her, his eyes told everything, about her, he was denying his feeling but his eyes was saying something.

"Sorry to say,mr.....She was in
her death bed,right now no more worries she is out of danger but she had a good amountof blood loss...l guess this is because she saved someone and please first fill the form details and handle yourself and the other two patients are safe but the operation is still going on" he nodded listening to this, unknowing what to do next, very first time he found himself stumble on something not able to find out

"Whatever Dr. Said was ringing in my ears again and again about advantika she had so much blood loss..but she is safe,happy for her ,and also ashish is also safe he is out of danger how could this possible few hours ago she was smiling. And now.." he Said to himself with a relief of sign, cupping his face rubbing it to prevent the redness on his cheeks, the line formed on his forehead was turned to happy to sad frequently

Happy about she is safe but sad as she is still unconscious

"I don't know whyy, hell, l am attracted towards her, a force of something always pulled me when l see her, her face with that assuring smile which can smile anyone a wicked person as well, her nature making me feel warm, the stubbornness she hold the arguments we have which clears no point, the pointless to win something was loosen against her

I want her to win against me. Damn but it makes me happy with the smile when she is with me, the nervousness when l saw imher in tradition racing my heart again God please Save me with the tragedy" he said with the flings of the words he meant, he was a confused soul now a normal person who wants to live but his ego or self respect indulges him to stop this

Will he be loved or hate???




𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐀𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞. Where stories live. Discover now