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The sun rose as bright as ever over Roccaflora, painting the sky with shades of pink and orange as Elina awoke in her room. If before then all of Elina's mornings seemed to be the same, in recent days, things had changed. In fact, that would be another morning she would spend with Adrian, or as she had affectionately started calling him: 'the trickster.'

As I mentioned, Elina and Adrian had met a few days ago in the Roccaflora market, under rather bizarre circumstances. Adrian tried to sell her a pumpkin, claiming that this particular pumpkin had the power to predict the future of anyone who bought it. The funny thing was that the vegetable stand wasn't even his!

«Hey, swindler, don't tease the village lady if you don't want to get into trouble. Thanks to you, I haven't had any customers this morning» the merchant scolded Adrian and chased him away.

Elina, however, chuckled and accepted the pumpkin just to listen to Adrian's eccentric tales until the merchant would get tired of the situation. And how could he not? Elina was the daughter of Lord Alaric, and she would never dare to go against his will.

Getting to know Adrian better, Elina realized that his main talent seemed to be the ability to invent the most incredible yet captivating stories. No matter how absurd they were, his lies were so compelling that they ended up sounding like truths.

The morning passed quickly as Elina prepared for the meeting. She wore a simple yet elegant dress, her hair gathered in a braid that cascaded down her back. When she finally left the house, her heart raced in anticipation of seeing him, or rather, discovering what incredible story he would tell today.

The rendezvous had been arranged in the heart of the market, amidst stalls of fresh fruit and colorful flowers. It was the place where they had shared many strange and amusing moments, and it seemed like the perfect spot to avoid drawing too much attention compared to meeting close to the palace.

«Rumor has it that you're the village liar» Elina said, greeting Adrian ironically as if she didn't know him.

Adrian was already there, his enormous smile impossible to miss. «Madam, you look as beautiful as ever.» he said, exaggerating with a theatrical bow.

Elina blushed slightly, her smile still ironic. «So, Sir Adrian, what absurd story do you have in store for me today?»

Adrian sighed dramatically and placed a hand over his heart. «Elina, my dear, today I will tell you the story of the pumpkin that defeated a giant dragon! But know that this pumpkin needs your help to accomplish the heroic feat!»

Elina burst into laughter. «Adrian, you are a true poet of the absurd. Never stop surprising me.»

«What can I say? Everyone tells me I'm irresistible.»

«And tell me, is this pumpkin by any chance a distant relative of the pumpkin that would have predicted my future?» They both laughed.

But amidst the laughter and the strange stories, Elina and Adrian knew there was something special between them. Their bond grew stronger, and love was growing unstoppable.

The next day, they met again. This time, however, Elina had prepared baskets full of delicacies purchased at the market that morning, and Adrian had brought a blanket to cover them once the wind picked up. They huddled together... their smiles reflecting like sparks in the water. They ate and laughed, like two young souls free from the weight of the world.

In that moment, Adrian picked a flower from the ground, a flower that seemed to have been born just for that moment: he took it in his hands and, with a dramatic face, began to recite, «This flower will be the symbol of our love... Elina. I know we've known each other for a short time, and I'm nothing but a man of humble origins... but I can't wait any longer. Let's get married and live a beautiful life, as beautiful as this flower.»

Elina remained silent and smiled; that silence was filled with the sweet melody of the river. A petal fell from the flower, like a whisper of destiny.

The following days passed joyfully, and to celebrate their impending marriage, they decided to head to an inn. Here, Adrian would meet the people with whom Elina spent her solitary afternoons.

«Come on, Aunt, I don't understand why we keep running this place when the only customers we have are the villagers - not that there are many. Personally, I find it a waste of food and money, and I know you do too, deep down.»

«Of course, as you say. Now, would you mind taking these beers up to the men upstairs? They've been waiting for a while now. And remember to collect the empty plates.»

«Well, if I must...» Reira went upstairs, serving the various drinks to the people who had requested them, as instructed by her aunt, and as she was about to return downstairs, she was taken by surprise by Elina's sweet voice from behind.

«Hey there, look who's back! Aunt, look who's here!» Reira said enthusiastically, then continued, «Hello, solitary girl, it's been a while.»

«Hello to you, Reira. Bring us two glasses of your finest drink. Today, we're celebrating!»

«Bring us? Two glasses? Oh Oh...» Reira realized. «My lady, you've hit the mark, haven't you? So be it: today, I'm treating everyone!» the aunt declared at the sight of the young lady finally in company. Amid jokes and laughter, the evening passed peacefully.

However, they did not know that word spread quickly in the village. The inhabitants, after that evening, became aware of their growing connection, including Elina's father.
Elina's father, a stern and traditional man, expressed his concerns, fearing the implications of their growing closeness. Like a cloud threatening to obscure the brilliance of the sun, social expectations cast a shadow over their happiness.

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