How you've changed

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He hadn't noticed you change, well at least he didn't notice until you didn't contact him. Ciel's work load had gone down drastically, so he had time to start thinking about spending time with you. He had planned several activities that he thought you might enjoy. After sending the letter he returned to breezing through the meager amounts of paperwork awaiting your response. He waited, and waited but he received no reply. That's when he finally figure it out. You were quieter, less bold and upfront about your emotions and opinions. Anything that you thought might challenge him in the slightest or cause one of your normal playful banters (before he snapped at you). There was just cringe worthy silence where there used to be laughter. Ciel hated it and was determined to change what had become of this relationship.


He shouldn't be angry, Sebastian had gotten what he had wanted after all. You stuck by his side daily hardly ever leaving his sights but something else had changed. You weren't the same anymore, no laughter and innocent bright smiles. Just sadness, he could see it in your eyes and how you mindless paced around when your chores were done. You had changed completely and it was killing him. He wanted to see you smile, even if that meant allowing you hang out with finny.


Everything about you had changed, that was something that Alois couldn't stand. He had gotten used to you being rebellious and unafraid to tell him what was what. Alois had treasured the way you to acted as equals. For once in his life he wasn't outcasted, but that changed the day he yelled at you. From that moment on you were always acting beneath him, as if you were trying to please him choosing your words carefully. The feeling of loneliness had started to overcome him. Alois wasn't going to stand for this, he wasn't going to feel lonely anymore.


Three months, that was how long it had been since he had seen you. He had the nagging feeling something was wrong with every day that passes where you didn't contact him. An emotion he had never felt before had begun to show. He was lonely, there was nothing for him after his days work with his tiresome master. You weren't there to bring a smile to his face, a smile that he only showed you. Claude began to regret the day he snapped at you, he missed you. There was one thing the demon was sure of, he would do anything to see you again.


Well he had gotten what he wanted. Grell had your attention almost all the time, except there was a problem. You were failing to do your work during the day which resulted in you doing any paperwork received at night. As a reaper you didn't really need sleep like humans did, however the mental stress was taking its toll on you. Missions, Grell, Paperwork, Scolded by William, and then Grell, Grell Grell... It had become an endless cycle. Grell at first loved the change seeing as he got to spend a lot more time with you. Little by little the toll your new schedule was taking on you became evident. First you stopped talking as much, relying on simply short answers or nods. Then he began listening in on all the scolding you got from William. Grell then realized how bad the fight had affected you. He knew he had been acting selfish but that day he had been denied another photo album from Sebastian, but that aside he wanted you to return the way you were before no matter how strict you could have been. That was just another thing he loved about you.


While the changes didn't directly affect him at first, it had immediately affected your relationship with your family. Lau saw them as a nuisance at times when he wanted to spend time with you. Even though he still thought that they were good people, well as good as it would get in this kind of business. It wasn't as if he didn't like your family it's just that he was tired of always being interrupted when he wanted to have a romantic moment with you. Lau noticed that after the fight you avoided being around him whenever his girls were there, and then he started to receive some very angry interrogations from your older brother. It was when he started to get the death threats did Lau really realize how much he had affected you.


The consistent sound of a bell on the front desk being rang throughout the store. An impatient man with a need for information was standing there angrily tapping his foot. It had been like this ever since you had left. Undertaker didn't even have time away from the customers, mainly because he never remembered to put up the closing sign in front of his shop. Being this busy also meant that he hadn't had the time to make it up to you. Unfortunately it didn't seem like it was going to stop, which made the undertaker only want to be by your side even more. Until the time comes where he can finally learn how to put up a closed sign, the two of you remain separate.


The look he had given you had haunted your thoughts. No matter how long you thought about why he was looking that way, was there something that happened. I mean yes ash had the right to be a little peeved after he you had worked yourself to hard despite warnings. Yet the sheer amounts of anger that had shone in his eyes had scared you. This fact has caused you to begin avoiding him. Anything to avoid that gaze. Ash had noticed this and wasn't to happy, he hadn't even meant to make you feel so bad. His anger had just been misdirected that day, even though it was an accident he knew that he had hurt you. No matter what he had to do he was going to make you smile, to have you by his side again.


One by one they all started to realize they had been ignoring you. Now they were confused as of where you might be. All of the usual hangouts were empty, they couldn't find a single trace of you. At one point they considered asking Hannah or Claude but quickly dismissed the idea and opted for eavesdropping on Alois's conversations. "... Yes, Ms. (L/n) will be returning from her vacation next week" Claude said voice slightly muffled through the door. They had one week to come up with a plan to earn your forgiveness, and they were going to use every moment they could to make sure it was perfect. After all you were the first person to show them true affection and love so it was only right that they show you their appreciation.


Where did you go. The first thing that pluto noticed was the absence of your warmth where he would usually lounge about after you hurriedly finished any chores. You never showed up, you weren't there to gently run your fingers through his hair or play with him on the warm summer days. Or just curl up on your bed when it was cold. These routines meant the world to him, even more than Sebastian did. You meant more to Pluto than Sebastian did but sometimes his old habits would come back. Pluto didn't mean to hurt you, the thought of it hurt him. No longer would the ignorant streak continue he was going to make sure you knew of his affections.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2015 ⏰

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