when he realizes he loves you

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After inviting you over numerous times after your first visit. He enjoyed your company, he also had made it a personal goal too see you smile. Right now the two of you were in the garden he was watching you as you ran about admiring the flowers. He smiled softly at the sight before muttering “Oh dear (y/n), what are you doing to me.”


He deemed you the only other responsible person working at the phantomhive manor. He kept an eye on you almost everyday, except for when he and ciel were away on the Queens orders


Seeing you frowning at the ball made him want to somehow make you smile. It was as if he did manage to make you smile everything in the world would be alright. He started to invite you too many different festive parties and eventually asked you too come and just hang out with him on an average day “I don't think I have wanted anything as much as I want you.”


Both the households the two of you worked under did a lot of business together. Claude was fascinated with you. As a human he expected you to be weak and whiny like many of her contractors had been in the past. You were the opposite of what he thought. You did your work without a  complaint you often helped out others, even checking up on him (which he thought was pointless but still appreciated it)


To be honest he thought he was attracted to men. So when he started to think of you as more than his superior he was a bit well surprised. He thought you were adorable, although not quite the sexiness of his oh so dear bassy. Eventually his feelings for you grew. He started to follow you around pester you and try and Save you from the unfabulous William.


To be honest the first time he had met you, you had struck him as interesting. Like his sister you possessed a deadly intriguing air. Bringing people in with your attractive looks and then shooting them done with a sharp and cool attitude. He left him breathless the way you acted.He wanted you, too him you were different in a good way. You allowed him to come after you unlike the woman that threw themselves at him searching for attention. You were a  challenge.


He enjoyed the time you took out of your day to come and talk to him. He looked forward to the time and started to expect your visits. His heart would toe itself in knots whenever he wasn't warned you wouldn't be able to stop by. He cared for you, an emotion he didn't remember experiencing before.


if he wasn't an angel himself he would have mistaken you too be one. The way you were always so caring towards others. How you took things upon yourself to make everyone feel better. In his eyes you were so innocent and pure he was almost afraid he would taint you.


After that fateful night at you're old village Hannah never actually left your side. She had brought you to a new home and sheltered you. Even while working under Alois she managed to visit you a few times a month. She was exceedingly overprotective constantly asking about who you were associated with. But at the very end of her visits she would bring you into her arms and sing a lullaby she did when she first found you. Before she left she would always kiss your forehead and whisper words of love across the kiss. She had known from the start that she had loved you.


They snuck into your room at night, not the first time they had done this and certainly not the last. Observing you quietly as you slept, hair sprawled out across your pillow shining in the moonlight. “Nice body” timbur commented. “Nice indeed too bad its covered up” Thompson agreed nodding. Canterbury smirking silently agreeing with his brothers.

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