When they hurt your feelings pt. 1

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**Big thanks to Animemusicbookslife (ambl888 on wattpad.) who gave me  themes for the scenarios, and MeatnPotatoesforLife (Quotev) who wrote the Grell scenario. I feel really bad that i haven't released an actual part for a while so I have decided to release half this week and hopefully by next week the rest (I’m horrible with deadlines) Sorry for the wait and the lack of udpates.**


After the incident when you ignored him he set aside some of his work so he could spend time with you, although whenever he did he never seemed happy. It was as if all of the stress that had been put on him was finally taking its toll. You decided to ask him about it, “Ciel are you alright?”. He didn't answer, not right away. The only thing  he did was sit and plan out his next move in the game of chess the two of you were playing. “If it’s that much you don't have to be here, I don't mind.” you murmured afterwards. “ I’m already here theres no point in me leaving now” he stated. “But” you stopped speaking as he stood up and slammed his hands onto the chess table scattering the pieces across the floor. “What else do you want from me?” Ciel hissed staring you down harshly. “Nothing to say now? I swear sometimes you’re even more confusing and needy than Elizabeth was!” You stared down at the table silently before standing up and apologizing quickly and quietly as you left the mansion.


You were out in the garden laughing and chatting with Finny as you helped him plant some new flowers. Sebastian was away at the markets with Ciel, most likely some important business so you didn't stress the matter. While you and Sebastian were supposed to spend the day together you knew it was his job and that there wasn't much he could do about it. So in his absence you decided to spend the day helping Finny because today was a perfect day to be outside.  Unfortunately for you Sebastian had always been overprotective in general especially when you were around other men, and even though Finny hadn't ever thought about you that way it didn't stop Sebastian from getting angry. Which is where you were now, being scolded and yelled at Sebastian. “Honestly, (Y/n) I can't leave for a second without you running off to another man can I?” He snarled. That was a low blow. Did he think you were that unfaithful that he couldn't even let you out of his sight else you would be off with some unknown stranger? “Sebastian it’s not like that!” you protested only to be stopped by a deadly glare. You weren’t going to win this one, not with Sebastian this angry. Seeing as you weren't going to try and protest anymore he left the room leaving you alone in the room with his hurtful words.


“I can't believe you would be that bent out of shape about this” Alois says uninterestedly as you sat across from him. “Oh like when you got angry when I was hanging out with my cousin? Tell me were you so cool and collected then!” you hissed. You had caught him flirting with another woman, granted it never got past that but at the time you weren't so sure it wouldn't escalate past harmless flirting. “You’re being childish”He said as if it was obvious to everyone but yourself. “I’m being the childish one? Look in the mirror! I was hanging out with my cousin, a family member! Not some girl who you found outside the brothel!” you exclaimed. That seemed to spark something. “Does it look like I care that much” He hissed glaring at you “Honestly I don't know what I saw in you, Always bringing up such petty things.” Now that hurt. All of your life your family had pushed you aside. Now Alois was doing the same thing. Standing up you left his office and set off back home.


“But you’re always busy!” you pointed out to the ever so emotionless man claude, whom you loved oh so dearly. “It’s my job, if I were you I would focus on your own to.” he stated. “I do but we never see eachother anymore” You reasoned hoping that he would see what you were trying to say, bringing this up had always been a touchy subject for Claude. You weren’t sure why but he seemed to grow more agitated than when Alois purposely messed up Claude’s work. “If I had realized you were going to be immature and get upset over something like this I wouldn't have wasted my time to leave work.” he said staring at you with no hint of emotion. It’s not that he didn't care he had just been having to do a lot more work than usual recently due to his masters obsession with the earl phantomhive. “Well then i’m i’m sorry to get in your way you’re highness” you hissed turning on your heels and leaving.


Grell was the most dramatic, hyperbolic ball of excitement you had ever met. Everything seemed to turn into a Broadway performance the minute the flamboyant man stepped into the room. Grell had shouted at you a thousand times before, but it was usually just an indignant response to a comment that you made about his work ethic or something. You would brush his energy away and continue your work, and he would forget that anything had ever happened. However, one day you went a little too far and ended up saying something truly hurtful. Grell was skipping out on work to hang out in your office for the day. He had evaded your attempts to shoo him away, so now he was just sitting on your desk, filing his nails. You had spent the last hour and a half writing a report, and you were just finishing when the paper was snatched from your hands. Grell stared at it for a moment. "(Y/N) dear, this is all well and good, but it's all completely worthless. Why don't you ditch and go for drinks with me now?" Grell said. You were about to say something when he crumpled it and threw it away. He missed, though, and your report went right into the paper shredder. The room was silent as you stared in shock for a moment. That's the point where you snapped. "Worthless? WORTHLESS, GRELL? Well, I guess it all was just a waste now that it's gone forever! YOU'RE the only thing that's worthless around here, Grell!" Another pause. In an eerily calm tone, Grell whispered, "(Y/N).... I love you. I care about you. I've been able to brush off all of the insults you've given me until now. But.... I CAN'T STAND IT ANYMORE! I AM NOT WORTHLESS! I CARE ABOUT YOU. I CARE ABOUT US -- ABOUT THE TIME WE SHARE. You have no right to put me down if all I care about is you! I want you to be HAPPY, (Y/N)! And that can't happen if you waste your life away on some damn office cubicle! I used to hate this job because it kept me from finding a good man, but now that I have you, I hate it because it sucks the life out of you! I want you to live! LIVE with me (Y/N) -- not just survive. So please-" Grell he paused, everything that had been bothering him was gone let out. It was pointless to continue and with that he left. He walked out the door leaving you to pick up the shredded pieces of paper and the shattered pieces of your heart.

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