When They hurt your feelings prt. 2

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"It's not that hard you only have to point out that i'm not going to do anything to hurt you" he mutters as you tightened the bandages around his arm. "I already told you he only does this because he knows your past." you replied moving onto the next injury. Once again Lau angered your brother. Normally it was just saying something about you that (B/n) deemed insulting, but this time it was what he deemed sexual harassment even though it wasn't something Lau normally didn't do "If I wanted to be in pain, I would have asked one of the girls to do so" he muttered. You tensed up after this comment, he was referring to those girls constantly hanging over and around him.  Straightening up you tossed the gauze onto his lap shooting him a glare, "Then go ask one of the girls to finish patching you up" you snapped leaving the room. ~a few hours later~You went back to Lau's hideout because you left something of yours there since while you were leaving you were too angry to remember about it. About to open the door you paused hand hovering over the handle as you heard giggling from inside the room. Lau had invited Them over. Not even bothering to retrieve the (fav item) you left leaving Lau to his business. 


Normally Undertakers  job didn't take much time out of his day, his obsessive ramblings about the beauty of coffins did. It still wasn't anything that bothered you because it was his passion and occupation. Although as of recently he seemed more and more consumed with coffin designs and decor. You didn't want to bring it up because he would lash out on you, using words that would hurt you more than knives. No matter the amount of not so subtle pay attention to me hints you would drop, Undertaker didn't seem to notice. You went as far as shoving the fact in his face but still no reaction. Feeling neglected and hurt you remained in the vacant seat at the front of the shop until you would go home later on that day.


Angry, that was the one thing you could use to describe how your next encounter with Ash would be. Despite not being completely well you returned to working, which ended you right where you started in bed sick. Every single minute that went by seemed like an eternity until you could hear the faint sound of footsteps. Here it comes, the moment you have been dreading. The faint creak of the doors and the footsteps stopped by your bed, then there was silence. No yelling, no chiding, nothing. Daring to look up you were met with the disappointed glare of Ash Landers. No words were spoken at that moment, no words were needed. After a few moments he shook his head leaving the room to attend to his duties. Was it not even worth yelling at you? did he not care enough to be worried about you? Eventhough you had avoided  his wrath something felt off. He showed no interest whatsoever, that's what was bothering you. Ash had looked at you as though you were just another chore that needed to be dealt with. 


It was strangely quiet wherever you went. Usually there would have been at least one of the triplets lurking around the corner 'looking over you' as they called it, but as of today they were nowhere to be seen. This continued for the next few days, and if you ever would find one of them they would be flocking around hannah or whispering crudely about her. You were left behind it seemed, they didn't even care to acknowledge you when you walked into the room. It was almost as if you were the left behind toy watching as they flocked to a shinier newer toy, Hannah didn't acknowledge them and wouldn't have the same memories you all had but it didn't matter, not to them at least.


You would think that there was no way in the world pluto could hurt you right? I mean seriously he's loyal, constantly by your side, adores you, and he loves you more than Sebastian! But that was kind of the thing, while he cared immensely for you he also seemed to be infatuated with sebastian. Now it's hard to beleive that would even be a bother, I mean Sebastian loves cats, dogs.... not so much. Recently Pluto seemed even more desperate for attention from the butler which ended up him spending a lot less time with you. It hurt a bit when he stopped even looking for you to spend time with. Well actually it hurt more than that but you didn't say anything, after all he had remained loyal to you... right

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