Chapter Three

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Dark watched as Maggie processed his claim on her. Yes, he had claimed her. No, he didn't give a fuck if she had a boyfriend. Yes, he was going to kill the bastard for touching her.

Something was wrong with him. Yet, he didn't really care. That weird aching void he had been feeling was suddenly gone. He had spent all day testing the pull that seemed to be coming from her. Eventually he gave in, knowing it was definitely her. Then he sorta stalked her through the entire night.

He watched her work all night long and not once did he have the desire to leave and hunt down someone to scare. She had his full attention.

Maggie sat up a little and frowned. "What are you talking about?"

Dark reached a hand out slowly, savoring her sweet gasp as the pads of his fingers skimmed over her bruising face. He shouldn't have left her after her shift. He was blaming himself for the handprint on her soft skin. After her shift, he portaled himself to his home for a minute. He had tried to talk himself out of staying with her any longer. He knew he should leave her alone. But the internal battle was very futile.

She reminded him of a twinkly star. Sparkling bright in the vast endless night that was his life. She fascinated him. He wanted to pull her from the sky and keep her light to himself.

"Little star," he whispered, "don't worry. He will never touch you again. Sleep now."

The touch of his magic was soft, it brushed against her mind and her eyes closed instantly. As her body slumped forward, he caught her and eased her back onto the bed.

Beautiful, he thought as he brushed his knuckles down the unharmed side of her face. She was so beautiful. And he'd never thought that about human before.

Dark covered her with her blanket and tucked all those colorful bears around her before slipping out of her room. He found the rest of the house to be cold and lifeless. Seriously, even his home was warmer than this. No wonder a rainbow took a shit in her room, anyone would get depressed living amongst this much gray.

He found his way to the master bedroom and stepped inside. More gray. Lame. And the guy's wardrobe? Super lame. Dark rifled through everything finding nothing of substance.

He was looking for something…

Ah. A computer.

Dark lifted the top and was greeted with a bright screen. A little shadow magic got him past the lock and he was in. Of course, he expected everything on the surface to be boring. But then he found something he wished he hadn't…

His beast form rippled and clawed at him to be free. His shadows curled and coiled around him. He growled, slamming the device shut. He snapped his fingers to summon a portal home and stepped through quickly.

He needed a plan and fast.


Maggie woke up feeling more refreshed than she had in a long time. She hadn't had any nightmares at all.

Must have been something Dark did.

She froze at that thought. Had he really been there? She looked around her room with a frown. He definitely wasn't there now. With a shrug, she got out of bed and threw her work clothes on.

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