Chapter 5

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Ariadne grimaced through another breakfast with the senior officers from the stranded Lindy and the eligible, young, up-and-coming junior officers her father was again subjecting her to. Bendy had been right the night he'd carried her up the outside of the house: she didn't enjoy the company the navymen provided. Madam Lisette had even started to frown as much as social politeness would allow at the poor manners Ariadne was showing, and Madam Lisette never frowned during social situations.

Ariadne attempted to bite back the sarcasm in her reply to the latest question around her hobbies and interests, but the tone leaked into her voice anyway as she swallowed the honest responses of clock and watch building, and horse riding, and instead inhaled to prattle about the more acceptable lady's pastime of embroidery. Again. To be fair, embroidery was something she did and was good at, but she'd never found a great interest in it. Useless and redundant conversations like this, though, were something she was both terrible at and firmly without interest in... thankfully the brunch room door swung open just as she'd started speaking. The person who entered was hidden from her behind the high back of her chair, but Ariadne heard the thump of her grandmother's cane crossing the floor and welcomed whole heartedly the unexpected interruption.

"I have lovely news, Leon," Madam Isabelle announced, her hand clamping firmly on the back of Ariadne's chair. "Lady Ann is traveling the coast with Duke Mont and they've just arrived to the docks in Dalk early this morning. She's sent a note and asked to be our guest." Madam Isabelle beamed at everyone around the table, her smile lighting the entire room. "I thought their timing couldn't be more perfect due to the ball tomorrow. They must come stay with us as my special guests."

"Oh! What wonderful news!" Madam Lisette gushed, simply happy to see her mother in law looking so pleased after the past weeks of feeling – at least publicly – unwell.

"We'll send a coach right away," Master Leon said, smiling.

"Don't you dare," Isabelle chastised her son, clicking her tongue at him. "I insist on going to collect her myself." She thumped her cane to the carpet to put a hard stop at the end of the sentence.

"That's a long trip for you," Madame Lisette cautioned.

"Which is why I must take you and Ariadne with me!" Isabelle beamed at her granddaughter and her daughter-in-law. "It'll be an excuse to go pick out some new dresses for tomorrow instead of the drab things we've worn all this season. I insist on it." She added another thump of her cane, seeing her son was about to argue.

Leon sighed under the weight of all three women staring expectantly at him and nodded. He cautioned them against the loose criminal the crew of the Lindy had lost and was yet to find as the ladies hurried out the door.

Ariadne sighed with relief the moment her shoes touched the paving stones of the drive lane outside. She'd changed into clothes more comfortable for travel and was as excited as a child to be going into Dalk. Seeing Lady Ann, whom she only remembered as a beautiful lady who visited her grandmother every few years, was an added bonus. The shopping part she could take or leave (as if she needed another dress...). The best part of today's outing was getting away from the house and the ever so boring navymen her father was constantly forcing her into the company of.

The big carriage pulled up, Moonshine in a front, fifth harness for leading the team of four grays he'd sired, and Ariadne almost clapped her hands at how smart the horses looked. Madam Isabelle honestly chuckled at her granddaughter's excitement. Even Lisette was smiling a real smile; not the one she usually wore where her eyes stayed pinched, but the one where her face crinkled in the right places and made her look even more beautiful. They stepped quickly into the carriage, helped by the driver, and were soon on their way.

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