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Lyssa's p.o.v

I think the biggest challenge was learning to accept Greyson for his past, knowing he's still in love with his ex.... Whitney i don't know how I feel about it, I mean she's not a threat, I mean the women is dead!

Anyways I just need to focus on everything else.. Greyson still hasn't even asked me out, I don't know what he's planning but I kinda hope it will mean something. while I sit at home my mother came into the room.

"How was the trip"

"It was fine"

"That's cool.. when I called journey's parents she said y'all weren't with her"

"She was lying"

"Oh really cause Trisha (journeys mom) is downstairs and we need to speak to you as journey"

Oh shit I really don't have time for this...
Like R you serious.

"Why is she here?"

"I just told you we need to talk you all young girls"

"Who is all..?"

"You,journey and your friend Allison"

"Oh wow mom your a pathetic bitch"
"excuse me?"

"Yeah you heard me"

"Give me your phone!"

"Yeah I will throw it down with you're grave"

"Honey! I haven't done anything to you"

"Yeah..you took away my freedom" I yell going downstairs.

When I get down there all I see is angry people and sad teens.

"Well well I see the devil has finally reached you lyssa" says trisha.

And I see you've aged very much I say in my head.
I look back seeing my mom coming down the stairs from my room.

"Soo lyssa journey has said that you forced her to go to a concert"

"Bullcrap, journey knew where we were going and see was all for lying"

"No I told you I did want to go with you,then u said you would tell everybody my biggest secret If I didn't go"

"Okay now first of all we were suppose to be bestfriends but I don't even know any of your secrets... Wait I actually do know one that you keep from me that I had to find out from another person while you still lied about it!" I yell

"You were never my bestfriend"

"Yeah apparently not sents you had s3x with my boyfriend!" I say smiling knowing I won this one.

Everyone was Speechless.

"I'm sorry" journey said

"Your a slut and a liar" Allison said.

"What? and you have room to talk Allison you get around soo much that I'm pretty sure your boyfriend lost count" yells journey.

"Okay but... at least the guys I hooked up with we're single an not taken by my bestfriend" says Allison

"Soo all of you girls are not pure" says my mom

"Actually I am" I say.

The whole night we were getting yelled at by our parents.... and it was just sad and combined with angry.
We didn't hear the end of it literally...
I got my phone taken from me and my parents grounded me for eternity.
They Said I was a disgrace and I deserved absolutely nothing.

"You can't do that! nobody's perfect and maybe I just wanted to live in my world of freedom"

"ALYSSA MARIE YOU DONT GET FREEDOM UNTILL YOUR 18 and out of my fucking house" says my dad.

"So much for not sin-in" I said under my breath.

"What was that" says my mom

"I said y'all both Are going to fell and if y'all don't I will personally dig y'all a whole there"

"What have we ever done to you"

"THIS! You took away my childhood,like fuck I might as well kill myself because I can't do anything" I yell

"Lyssa honey.. We love you"

"No I hate you leave my room" I say."

They walk out my room with my phone,all my money,my xbox, my laptop and my radio.

I didn't care all I cared about was leaving this stupid house.

To the ghost people who read this and don't vote, thanks for reading but it would mean a lot if u guys would vote and try to get me up. I have this book coming out it's based off of domestic violence and so I want to get it across the world on wattpad. I want people to know its not okay and it's okay to forgive I've never been in this situation but I just wanna get a point across to anyone. Nobody wants to ever feel alone or wake up and half to put on makeup only because someone's damaged there pretty face. Nobody wants to get stare's from everybody and nobody wants to come out and say they've been soo badly hurt. Because they knoe this society is cruel and doesn't care or will make fun of you. Think about it nobody wants to get bullied for something they couldn't stop.

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