Winx Backstories

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Before we get into this, I am writing this as a script rather than a novel. So because of this, I thought that I would share the backstories and introduce you to the characters.

Three neighboring universities that connect with a courtyard: Winx University, Twitch University, and Staplin University.

Bloom Peters: She is the princess of Domino, the younger sister of Daphne, has fire powers, and was switched in the womb making her a changling (all of this is unknown). She was born on Earth, has anger issues, and scared of her own powers. Her eyes glow red whenever she is using her power. She switches to Winx University after graduation to look for answers before she hurts anyone else. She is a first year student. She was recently in a relationship with Pierce McIntire. She does not want to college.

Stella Solar: She is the princess of Solaria and has light powers. She doesn't want to attend Winx University. She is a third year student and signed up as an RA only because she doesn't want roommates. Her eyes glow yellow whenever she uses her power. Her parents are on the verge of divorce and she will eventually have to choose between her sun powers from her father or her moon powers from her mother. She is interested in Brandon but thinks that he is a prince.

Flora Cosmos: She is from Gardenia, has nature powers, the older sister of Laurel, quiet, calm, peaceful, and zen. She is the more appropriate person to be an RA but doesn't take it from Stella. She is a motherly character. She is not looking for a relationship. She attends Winx University as a second year student but misses home. Her eyes glow green whenever she uses her power.

Musa Song: She is from Music City and has powers that involve sound and music. She has been a bit closed off since her dad died. They were really close. She is not as close with her mother. She is a second year student as Winx University. Her eyes glow pink whenever she is using her power.

Techna Apparatus: She is from Electron and has powers of technology. She is incredibly smart and gifted academically. She is not in touch with her feelings or emotions nor does she understand family or friends but she wants to. She is a fourth year student at Winx University. Her eyes glow purple whenever she uses her power.

Aisha Wells: She is the princess of Waterdale. She has water powers and is extremely athletic along with headstrong. She is arranged to be married to Roshan Brooks. She is not quite sure on the marriage thing but wants to please her parents. She is a first year student at Winx University although her parents are unaware of this. Her eyes glow blue whenever she uses her power.

Zeni Tranquil: She is from Zenith and has empath powers. She is a first year at Winx University. She knew Musa before Mr. Song passed away. Her eyes glow orange whenever she uses her power which is quite often because she can't ever turn it off.

Sky Fiber: He is the prince of Staplin and his family is a donor to Staplin University. He is a second year student as a specialist at Staplin University. He is nice, a good guy, gentleman, and a humble athlete. He is in a relationship with princess Despireaux who does not attend any of these universities. His best friend is Brandon but he sees him as a brother since they grew up together. 

Brandon Rice: He is Sky's squire and has lived in Staplin for his entire life. He is a third year student at Staplin University as a specialist. He grew up with Sky and sees him as a brother. He is not really a fan of princesses because of Sky's previous ex girlfriends. He doesn't see eye-to-eye with Riven.

Riven Paragon: He is originally from Earth but he is unaware of this. He grew up in Dymond and is an adrenaline junkie. He knows that he doesn't fit in but does not know why. He is always trying to be the best to prove to himself. He is a fourth year student at Staplin University. He messes with Timmy out of his own insecurity about where he belongs.

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