The Bonfire

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Setting: The courtyard of all the universities; exterior; day-time

[all of the students talking with each other]

Bloom: (She pulls her suitcase to a stop in front of the courtyard fountain. She sits down on the edge of the fountain. She narrates.) If you would have told me that I would have been accepted to Winx University in the Other World three weeks ago, I would not have believed you. I'm still trying to wrap my head around it. Three weeks ago, I had a boyfriend.

Setting: West Minster High School on Earth; interior-hallway; day-time

[Bloom leans against the lockers, laughing, while Pierce closes in.]

Bloom: (She narrates.) Pierce and I had been together for two years.

[Bloom and Pierce kiss gently]

Setting: Peters' Residence; interior- living room; night-time

Vanessa: I told you that you were not allowed to go.

[Bloom groan loudly and storm off back to her bedroom]

Bloom: (She narrates) Mom and I have never really seen eye to eye.

Setting: West Minster High School; exterior- practice football field; night-time

[students singing and socializing around a bonfire]

Bloom: (She hangs back and narrates) Ever since I can remember, I've always been afraid of fire which is ironic. Everything changed around the time of graduation.

[Bloom walks away from the bonfire into the building towards the locker room but stops outside the door when she hears voices; Karis and her two friends are in the locker room talking]

Karis: Pierce and I finally did it last night!

Friend 1: What?!

Friend 2: I thought he was dating Bloom.

Karis: He is but you guys trust me when I say that it was the best that I have ever had.

[Bloom feels sick to her stomach and goes to find Pierce who is cleaning out his locker.]

Pierce: Hey babe.

Bloom: I need to talk to you. (She says quietly)

Pierce: Okay. Is everything alright?

Bloom: I just overheard Karis talking and I need you to clarify something.

Pierce: Okay. What is it? (He says cautiously.)

Bloom: Please, tell me that it isn't true. (She tries to choke back tears.) Tell me that you did not sleep with her

[Pierce is speechless and looks everywhere except his girlfriend.]

Bloom: Oh my god. (She runs away from Pierce in tears.)

Pierce: Bloom, wait. (He groans and hits the lockers in frustration making them rattle.)

Setting: West Minster High School; exterior- the football field; night-time

[Bloom sits in the middle of the field, silent]

Bloom: (She narrates) I waiting until everyone had left. I didn't want to go home and have the "I told you so" talk with my mom. 

[Bloom stares at the bleachers near the field and flashbacks a memory of her and Pierce making out underneath them. Her eyes glow read and a ring of fire sparks, surrounding Bloom.]

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