First Year Orientation

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Setting: Interior of Alphia Dorms, Suite 13B, Gray Room- Daytime

[Bloom is asleep in her bed when Zeni re-enters the room with wet hair]

Zeni: Bloom, come on, we have first year orientation in fifteen minutes.

[Bloom groans; Zeni's eyes glow orange]

Zeni: Whoa. I don't even want to know what you were thinking.

Bloom: Do you want the PG version or the actual version?

Zeni: I think I'm good.

[Bloom rolls out of bed and exit the room while Zeni hangs her towel up to dry; Aisha knocks on the door to the gray room that is open]

Aisha: (She gestures to the empty bed) Where is she?

Zeni: Changing (She places a notebook into her bag)

Aisha: Does she know what time it is?

Zeni: Yes. (She says rudely. Her eyes glow orange. She throws a pencil onto her desk in          frustration and it hits the wall) Ugh!

Aisha: What?

Zeni: Why do you guys have to have such strong emotions so early in the morning?

Aisha: Can't you turn it off?

Zeni: (She glares at her suitemate) No.

Aisha: Oh. Sorry. (She says awkwardly)

[Bloom re-enters the room in a t-shirt and jeans]

Aisha: Ready to go?

Bloom: As ready as I'll ever be.

[Zeni/Aisha/Bloom exit the gray room and shuts the door]

Setting: Winx University, interior- auditorium

[First years sitting in the seats; Gondel standing on stage beside Professor Reich and Professor Cordial]

Gondel: I believe that all of you are here for a reason.

{Twitch University, interior- auditorium}

[First years sitting in the seats; Griswald standing on stage beside Professor Trix and Professor Alchemy]

Griswald: Here is where you will learn about yourselves, learn to strengthen your abilities, and grow alongside one another.

{Staplin University, interior-auditorium}

[First years sitting in the seats; Hale standing on stage beside Professor Mac and Professor Joust]

Hale: You will be challenged and faced with tests.


Gondel: It won't be easy.


Griswald: What you do here will be life changing.


Hale: The staff is here for you if you need anything.


Professors: Welcome to the university!

Setting: Winx University, interior-Professor Reich's classroom, day-time

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