The Kick-Off Party

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Setting: Winx University; interior- Alphia Dormatory Hall; day-time}

[Bloom looks at the paper, looking at the doors. She passes girls going to and from rooms. She pauses at the door that read 13B and enters with her suitcase. She walks into the main living area and looks into Stella's blue room; Stella hangs a dress into the Armoire, catches Bloom, goes to the door, and shuts it; Flora gets up off of the couch, walks over to Bloom]

Flora: Are you Bloom?

[Bloom nods]

Flora: That's Stella our RA. Don't mind her. She only became an RA because it's the only way to get your own room. I'm Flora . Come on, you're in the gray room. (She guides Bloom over to the gray room)

[Zeni puts books on the shelf in the light gray room]

Flora: This is your room. That's Zeni, your roommate. Zeni, this is Bloom.

[Zeni and Bloom wave to each other] 

Flora: The Welcome Party will be in the courtyard around seven. We decided to go as a suite.

Bloom: Okay.

[Flora shuts the door behind you; Bloom sinks on the empty bed next to her.]

Zeni: (She sits down on her already made bed. Her eyes glow orange.) Whoa! That's a lot of emotion there.

Bloom: How did you-

Zeni: (She sticks out her hand to shake) Empath. I'm Zeni from Zenith. Funny, I know. (She rolls her eyes) I spent a few years in Music City though.

Bloom: (She shakes Zeni's hand) Bloom from Earth. Fire.

Zeni: Earth?

Bloom: Yep.

Zeni: How is that even possible? (Her eyes glow orange) Okay, okay. Wrong question.

Bloom: Look, I don't know if this is going to work if you are constantly going to read me.

Zeni: Sorry, I can't really turn it off. (She looks down) Ever.

[Zeni and Bloom exits the gray room into the main living area of suite 13B; Flora is tending to the window pane plants; Aisha exits the sage room; Techna is sitting on the couch on her phone; Musa exits the red room only to make eye contact with Zeni.]

Musa: What are you doing here?

Techna: (She looks up from her phone for a split second) You're acquainted already?

Musa: (She crosses her arms) No, we're not.

[Zeni's eyes glow orange and immediately feels sick to her stomach; Stella exits the blue room]

Stella: Alright, let's get this over with. I'm Stella Solar, princess of Solaria. Light. I'm a third year and your RA. We have three first years with us this year.

Aisha: Aisha Wells, princess of Waterdale. Water.

Zeni: Zeni Tranquil from Zenith. Empath.

Bloom: Bloom Peters from Earth. Fire.

Aisha: Really?

[Stella glare at Aisha to shut her up.]

Stella: Second years.

Flora: Flora Cosmos from Gardenia. Nature.

Musa: Musa Song from Music City. Sound. (She says with a hint of annoyance)

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