The Intervention of Room 13B

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{Twitch University: Cloud Dormatory- Room 3A}

[Sirena sits on the couch in the main living area with Darcy surfing through textbooks in between them as they attempt to complete an assignment]

Sirena: (sighs) Do you understand any of this?

Darcy: Girl, I didn't understand this when Professor Alchemy explained it the first time.

[Devyn exit the gray room into the main living area with a textbook]

Devyn: Darcy, I don't understand this. (Point to a spot on the open page)

Darcy: Devyn, I'm trying to do my own homework.

Sirena: Let me take a look.

[Devyn walks over to the other side of the couch towards Sirena; Sirena takes a look at where the first-year is pointing]

Sirena: (She ponders for a few brief moments) This looks like something that was covered in a first-year class, yes?

[Devyn nods]

Sirena: I believe Raven took this course last year and she got straight A's. Why don't you go ask her? I think she's in her room.

[Devyn go over to the purple room and knock on the door; Nova opens the door]

Nova: What up, Lil D? Here for some more fun?

Darcy: Leave her alone, Nova. (She doesn't look up from her book)

Devyn: I'm looking for your roommate.

Nova: Ah. (She opens the door wider) Rave, the first-year's here to see you. (She says this without breaking eye contact with the timid Devyn)

[Raven appears in the door; Nova goes back into the room]

Devyn: Can you help me with this?

Raven: (She takes a look at the notebook) Oh, I love topology. You took geometry in secondary school, right?

[Devyn nods her head]

Raven: Let me grab my notes from last year and I'll take you to the study room that I used for Topology. (She goes back into the purple room to retrieve a notebook for a brief moment before returning to the main living area and closes the door to her room)

Sirena: We have a suite meeting tonight. (She informs the girls)

Raven: Don't worry, Madame RA. (She salutes Sirena) I will have the lovely lady back in time for curfew. (She shuts the main door behind both her and Devyn)

{Winx University: Alphia Dormatory- Suite 13B}

[Zeni is curled up on her bed in the gray room, facing the wall. She has headphones on in hopes to drown out her own thoughts and emotions. She doesn't move when the door to the room opens; Flora walks over to sit on the edge of Zeni's tangerine colored bedspread. She gently taps on Zeni's shoulder; Zeni doesn't move]

Flora: Zeni, could you come out to the living area, please? The girls and I would like to talk to you. Zeni?

[Zeni doesn't move from her position; Flora gets up and exits the gray room; Bloom is laying on the couch with her head resting on Aisha's lap; Stella sits on one chair opposite of the couch; Techna sits on the other opposing chair to the couch on her phone; Musa sits on the ground with her back against the wall; All girls besides Bloom look up to meet Flora who enters the living area; Flora shakes her head no]

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14 ⏰

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