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Ian please stop fucking calling me" Fatima spat on the other line of the phone, this was Ian 5th time calling her in the last 10 minutes. After she said that, she hang up the phone on him.

"Well what the hell is his problem?" Angela asked, Angela, Belinda and Fatima were all out having dinner, Belinda was currently in the bathroom.

"He's mad that he has to be a father for once, He asked for Izzy, then he gets her now he acts like his world is crashing down" She said.

"I thought he wanted nothing to do with her, what was the change of heart?"

" Girl hell if i know " Fatima said, taking a sip of her wine, after sitting her glass down she picked up a chicken wing, placing it in her mouth.

" You really trust him alone with Iz" Angela questioned weirdly, she knew Fatima and Ian didn't end on good terms.

Ian tried to force her into an abortion, but after he finally came to his senses, they decided to keep Izzy, who is just a newly one year old.

" I mean we been Co-parenting for the past year , I don't think he'll do anything to harm my baby" Fatima said, and Belinda made way back to the table.

"What you bitches over here talking about" Belinda said, sitting back in her seat.

"That random man in Atlanta" Angela said rolling her eyes, and Belinda did the same.

Before Fatima could say anything, her phone went off again, it's was Ian calling her for the 6th time , she declined the call.

"Can we reschedule this dinner? He's about to piss me the fuck off" Fatima said, getting upset.

"Yeah of course" They both said in unison, Fatima got up from the chair saying goodbye to her girlfriends from college, then she left out the restaurant.

She usually never has time to herself because she was always caring for Izzy, she wasn't complaining but a break was needed, anytime Izzy went with her father it only was for a couple hours, or for a day at most.

As fatima aggressively texted on her phone, not paying attention to her surroundings, she bumped into a couple, causing her phone to drop.

" If you would stop paying so much attention to that damn phone, you'll know where the fuck you was walking" The young lady spat.

"Karen chill out, all that isn't even necessary" The young man said.

Fatima blow her breath out of frustration, as she picked up her shattered phone from off the ground . "Fucking great" she mumbles to herself.

"Go get us a table" The young man spoke again, Karen just rolled her eyes walking into the restaurant where Fatima stepped aside.

" Your lady lucky I'm in therapy, because if I wasn't and she was talking to me like that, I would have popped her in her damn mouth" Fatima scolded.

And the young man couldn't do anything but laugh, he could tell that she was dead serious in a way. "Can I put a name to that pretty face" He asked sweetly.

"Nope, I don't want your girlfriend thinking it's something when it's n-" She got caught off by Karen.

"Zachary let's go now" She demanded. "You all up on this bitch"

"Strike two" Fatima said stern, warning her.

"You need to chill with all that" Zachary said walking into the restaurant with Karen "I keep telling you one day you gone meet your match, you can't be talking to strangers like that"

" Zachary please, you was whole in a bitch face right in front of me, so I don't want to hear that" She holler.

Fatima could hear them two going back and forth, the valet was taking longer than usually to bring her car around. She was growing impatient.

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