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"Have you talked to your brother today?" Fatima questioned to Jaycee as she answered her phone.

"Like now I'm starting to worry because I haven't heard from him all day, and I'm just wondering if you talked to him at least" She adds, as her and Danni pulled into their home in Atlanta. It was almost two am.

"Yes I talked to him this morning , I guess court didn't go as well, and he got into with another inmate so now he's in holding" Jaycee says lying, it hurts her feelings to lie to Fatima, but she knew the outcome of all this will be perfect.

"Ugh" Fatima let out a sigh , " that boy just don't listen, so what did he say? How long does he have to be in there?" She asks

"The last thing he told me was he going to have to do 36 months, then our time was up, so I couldn't even ask anymore questions. I'm scared Tima, I don't know if I could be without my brother for that long" Jaycee said emotional, she was making this situation as believable as possible.

"THIRTY- SIX MONTHS? YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME RIGHT JAYCEE?" Fatima raised her voice over the phone.

"I don't blame you if you choose to move on Tima, 36 months is a long time"

"But I have to go, a patient is paging me. I'll talk to you later, and if I hear anything else I will let you know"

"Thank you Jaycee, enjoy the rest of your shift I'll see you soon" Fatima said lastly before hanging up the phone.

Danni was trying her best, not to break, but seeing the disappointment in Fatima face, she almost give in.

"Listen if you want me to stay with you tonight, I will T, I'll just tell Pres I'll see him later" Danni says

" I appreciate the offer, but I just want to be alone, like 36 months are you fucking kidding me? Like do they not know that bitch hit him first? And he defend himself?" She asked frustrated. "Like all he did was choke her, not even that deep"

Danni didn't say anything, they just sat there in complete silence, but meanwhile Zachary was in the house, he had the whole house decorated with flowers, balloons and candles. He dropped a bag on Fatima, because he hasn't been able to celebrate their anniversary for the past 4 months.

He felt so bad playing a joke on her, but who's Zachary without a little prank?

I keep looking out the window, waiting for Bougie mamas to get out the car, I know she hella tight right now, thinking the worse of me. Whole time I'm in her house, I laughed.

I'm surprised Jaycee stay in character for so long because my sister don't know how to lie for shit, also shout out to Danni, this couldn't have been done without her either. Now Fatima hurry your ass up and get your ass in this house!

"Since you're going back to Preston house, could you take me to see my parents? I actually don't want to be alone right now " said Fatima.

"You don't want to go change first? Take a shower before you head over there?" Danni asked curiously.

"No" Fatima replies sadly, "I'll just shower there and find something in Star's closet" She said referring to her older sister, they wasn't close nor did they get along like that.

"Listen T, it's late. Your parents are probably sleep, you could see them first thing in the morning. Go inside, I'll call Preston and tell him I'll see him in the morning and we could watch a movie together like old times"

"Fine, D." Fatima says gathering all her things and getting out the car, "don't take too long out here either " she says walking up the steps, she used Danni key to unlock the first door, then shutting and locking that door, Danni hurried to texts Zachary saying she's walking in.

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